ws logo Saturday, 27 July 2024

Markus Bodenmeier, Co-founder, Member of the Management Board AQAL AG


Champion's Profile

Markus Bodenmeier has been an entrepreneur, investor and venture philanthropist for more than 20 years. Descending from a family of entrepreneurs, Mr. Bodenmeier, started his first building and process automation company while still at university. In the mid 1990's, Mr. Bodenmeier established the private client banking division for the Reuschelbank, a German private bank.


Climate Action

Description and impact

Climate Endowment is a climate-focused investment company employing the multi-asset class endowment style, pioneered by Yale and Harvard university endowments aiming to achieve both solid long-term risk-adjusted returns and a significant reduction of CO2 emissions. It was launched by experienced investment professionals and entrepreneurs as an urgent response to the Climate Crisis and to the European voters’ demand for a Green Revolution. It seeks lower risk and lower return investments than most of the private equity industry and aim to cater to the risk profile of more conservative investors. Climate Endowment focuses on investments in scalable platforms with infrastructure / hard asset characteristics based on proven technologies with significantly lower CO2 emissions.