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The Global Wealth and Society programme seeks to identify the important role that the privileged have towards their respective society. In building this programme, we measure wealth, not by the amount of financial assets individuals amass but by the positive impact they create on society through sustainable projects.

Based on this philosophy of contribution and giving back to the society, we identify these individuals as “Champions of Philanthropy” through the projects that are close to their hearts and which they believe will affect their immediate society in a deep and profound manner across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Id Image Impact Leaders Champion's Profile Name of the project UNDP SDG Description and impact Country
0 Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. Muhammad Yunus Quality Education, Clean Water, Affordable and Clean Energy and Decent Work and Economic Growth These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. Yunus Social Business (YSB) is a profit and non-profit venture fund that turns philanthropic donations into investments in sustainable social businesses. Companies like Impact Water that have been financed by YSB tackle similar challenges to those traditionally addressed by aid agencies or charities, providing employment, education, healthcare, clean water and clean energy. YSB has supported over 3000 Entrepreneurs, completed a revenue of per year $ 13 Million of social business financing, helped create over 30,000 jobs and impacted the lives of over 3 million people in Colombia, Brazil, Haiti, The Balkans, Tunisia, India and Uganda. Bangladesh
0 Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO of Acumen Jacqueline Novogratz is an American entrepreneur and author. She is the founder and CEO of Acumen, a non-profit global venture capital fund whose goal is to use entrepreneurial approaches to address global poverty. Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO of Acumen Reducing Poverty, Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities Novogratz founded and directed The Philanthropy Workshop and The Next Generation Leadership programs at the Rockefeller Foundation before founding Acumen in 2001. Acumen invests patient capital in businesses that provide critical goods and services to people living in poverty. It estimates that it has impacted more than 260 million people through its investments. Novogratz oversaw the development of Acumen's Fellowship program, which develop leaders for the social sector The organization invests “Patient Capital,” capital that bridges the gap between the efficiency and scale of market-based approaches and the social impact of pure philanthropy, in entrepreneurs bringing sustainable solutions to big problems of poverty. American Samoa
0 George R. Roberts, Founder and Board Chair Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) Prior to founding REDF, Mr. Roberts was one of the founding partners of KKR in 1976. Today, KKR is a leading global investment firm that manages investments across multiple asset classes including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate, credit and hedge funds. George R. Roberts, Founder and Board Chair Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) Reducing Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Responsible Consumption and Production REDF is a venture philanthropy that invests exclusively in social enterprises that employ and empower people overcoming barriers to work. In 1997, The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF) was formed with a mandate to launch and grow social enterprises. By 2004, REDF’s methods and reputation had grown, enabling it to convert from a family foundation to the independent non-profit it is today. Using the principles he developed while leading KKR, the global private equity investment firm he co-founded, Roberts structured REDF to undertake venture philanthropy, with the mindset of an investor, and an expected return measured in people with jobs and lives changed. With backing from a $7 million Social Innovation Fund (SIF) grant, REDF announced our first national portfolio; expanded the national reach of our advisory services; increased our funding of high-performing social enterprises across the U.S.; and built partnerships with businesses, philanthropy, human services, and government. American Samoa
0 Oscar M. Lopez, President and Chair of the Board, Benpres Holdings Corporation Mr. Oscar M. Lopez assumed the presidency of Benpres Holdings Corporation in 1999 and has chaired the company’s board since inception. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College (cum laude) and a Masters degree in Public Administration from Harvard University. He is chairman and chief executive officer of First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC) since 1986, chairman and president of Lopez, Inc. (since 1999), and chairman of among others, First Philippine Infrastructure Development Corporation (FPIDC). Mr. Lopez is also involved in a number of social concerns. He is chairman and president of the Eugenio Lopez Foundation, which houses a major Filipina museum and library. He is also chairman of the Lopez Group Foundation. Oscar M. Lopez, President and Chair of the Board, Benpres Holdings Corporation Reducing Poverty, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, and Partnership for the Goals Lopez Group Foundation, Inc. (LGFI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization that functions as a social, charitable institution. It also coordinates the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of the Lopez Group of Companies, which is into, energy, real estate, manufacturing, broadcasting and communications. LGFI was incorporated on January 28, 2004 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is certified as a done institution by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and is registered with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as an auxiliary social welfare and development agency. LGFI stands on the pillars of the Lopez family values of public service, nationalism, and entrepreneurship. The present generation of Lopez's continues the Lopez legacy, building on past acts of philanthropy, creating bridges on present initiatives in corporate social responsibility. Philippines
0 Gary White, Co-founder and CEO of and WaterEquity Gary and Matt Damon worked independently to help break down barriers between people and access to safe water. A common goal to pioneer smart solutions to the water crisis brought them together, and their combined water and sanitation expertise and star-power have allowed to emerge as a leader in the water and sanitation sector. Gary White, Co-founder and CEO of and WaterEquity Clean Water and Sanitation Together with the 125 partners around the world, they have helped mobilize more than $1.8 billion in capital to support small loans that bring access to safe water and sanitation to millions of people in need. That’s how every $1 put into WaterCredit creates $59 worth of impact. From a makeshift office in his home, Gary has led to become an international organization with more than 100 people changing lives in 13 countries around the world. American Samoa
0 Rita Tong Liu, Chairman, Gale Well Group Ms. Tong Liu founded Gale Well Group Limited in 1976 and has been the Chairman of the Group for many years. Mrs Liu is the wife of the late Mr Thomas Liu Lit-ching, a son of Mr Liu Po-shan who was the founder of Chong Hing Bank and Liu Chong Hing Investment. Rita Tong Liu, Chairman, Gale Well Group Quality Education and Sustainable Cities and Communities Mrs Liu is also a well-respected philanthropist who aims to serve mankind by giving back to the community. She founded L & T Charitable Foundation and Rita T Liu Foundation in 2004 and 2015 respectively. The two Foundations have donated over hundreds of millions of dollars to the Hong Kong community including higher education institutions and non-governmental organisations. The numerous projects supported by the L & T Charitable Foundation include the remarkable saltpans of Yim Tin Tsai (Sai Kung), which, together with St. Joseph's Chapel, won the Award of Merit of UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Hong Kong
0 Anil Manibhai Naik, Group Chairman of Larsen & Toubro Limited Popularly known as A. M. Naik, an Indian industrialist, philanthropist and the Group Chairman of Larsen & Toubro Limited, an Indian engineering conglomerate, and since 2018, the Chairman of the National Skill Development Corporation. Anil Manibhai Naik, Group Chairman of Larsen & Toubro Limited Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education In his personal capacity, Naik is a philanthropist who is committed to securing positive outcomes on his initiatives in healthcare, education and skill-building. In August 2016, Naik announced that he would give 75% of his income to charitable causes over his lifetime, setting up the Naik Charitable Trust for education and the Nirali Memorial Medical Trust for healthcare. A. M. Naik, established Larsen & Toubro Public Charitable Trust (LTPCT) with a focus on instilling philanthropic values at all levels of the organisation. He encouraged employees to give back to society and used the vehicle of ESOPs as the medium of contribution. The Company matches employee contributions with an equivalent grant. Since its inception in 2004, the Trust has touched the lives of lakhs of underprivileged children, women and youth in seven states where LTPCT operates, in partnership with esteemed NGOs with the objective of reducing duplication of effort, enhancing scalability and implementing the learning to multiply impact. India
0 Mazumdar-Shaw Mazumdar-Shaw is an Indian billionaire entrepreneur and compassionate capitalist. She is the chairperson and managing director of Biocon Limited Mazumdar-Shaw Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education and Industry Innovation and Infrastructure In 2004, Mazumdar-Shaw started a corporate social responsibility wing at Biocon, the Biocon Foundation. The Foundation focuses on health, education and infrastructure, especially in rural areas of Karnataka which lack healthcare facilities. In 2009, she established a 1,400-bed cancer care centre, the Mazumdar-Shaw Medical Foundation, at the Narayana Health City campus in Bangalore. Mazumdar Shaw Medical Foundation is a non-profit organization and has two arms to support its cause, which are Mazumdar Shaw Center for Translational Research and Mazumdar Shaw Cancer outreach program. Mazumdar-Shaw dislikes the term "philanthropy", believing that it often provides temporary fixes rather than addressing the root cause or the underlying situation. She prefers the term "compassionate capitalist", believing that properly applied business models can provide an ongoing foundation for sustainable social progress. Mazumdar-Shaw and her husband have donated $7.5 million to the University of Glasgow. Two-thirds of the grant is earmarked for a research hub to be called Shaw Plaza. The remainder will endow a professorial chair in precision oncology. The couple also pledged $2 million recently to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York to establish the Mazumdar-Shaw International Clinical Fellowships. Mazumdar-Shaw, who signed the Giving Pledge in 2016, has also given $3.5 million to Krea University, a new liberal arts university in southern India. India
0 Markus Bodenmeier, Co-founder, Member of the Management Board AQAL AG Markus Bodenmeier has been an entrepreneur, investor and venture philanthropist for more than 20 years. Descending from a family of entrepreneurs, Mr. Bodenmeier, started his first building and process automation company while still at university. In the mid 1990's, Mr. Bodenmeier established the private client banking division for the Reuschelbank, a German private bank. Markus Bodenmeier, Co-founder, Member of the Management Board AQAL AG Climate Action Climate Endowment is a climate-focused investment company employing the multi-asset class endowment style, pioneered by Yale and Harvard university endowments aiming to achieve both solid long-term risk-adjusted returns and a significant reduction of CO2 emissions. It was launched by experienced investment professionals and entrepreneurs as an urgent response to the Climate Crisis and to the European voters’ demand for a Green Revolution. It seeks lower risk and lower return investments than most of the private equity industry and aim to cater to the risk profile of more conservative investors. Climate Endowment focuses on investments in scalable platforms with infrastructure / hard asset characteristics based on proven technologies with significantly lower CO2 emissions. Germany
0 Sukanto Tanoto Sukanto Tanoto is an Indonesian businessman involved primarily in the lumber industry. As of 2013 he was considered to be one of Indonesia's wealthiest individuals with a net worth of US$ 2.3 billion. After starting as a supplier of equipment and materials for the state-owned oil firm Pertamina, Tanoto moved into the forest industry in 1973. Tanoto's business interests are represented by the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) group of companies (previously known as Raja Garuda Mas). Sukanto Tanoto Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnership for the Goals Tanoto Foundation is an independent family philanthropy organisation founded by Indonesian entrepreneur Sukanto Tanoto and his wife Tinah Bingei Tanoto in 1981. The Foundation focuses on improving access to knowledge and education, with a specific focus on countries in which Tanoto has business presence, including Indonesia, Singapore and China. Key activities include providing access to education through the provision of more than 20,000 scholarships (as of 2018), improving the quality of schools and teaching, and funding medical research into diseases prevalent in Asian populations. In 2018 the Foundation announced a refreshed strategy including four targets: Contribute to the reduction of the stunting rate in Indonesia to below 20% by 2030; Help Indonesia become one of the five most improved countries in the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) ranking system by 2030; Catalyse preventive and integrative medical research efforts into Asian prevalent diseases to extend the average health span of Asians by five years, by 2030 Support the development of a community of leaders who are making a positive impact on society. Indonesia
0 Sokoun Chanpreda, Managing Director, HMD Asia Sokoun Chanpreda has been in the hotel and restaurant business for more than fifteen years, creating such iconic projects such as Bed Supperclub & Long Table in Bangkok; Hotel de la Paix & Shinta Mani in Cambodia. Sokoun Chanpreda, Managing Director, HMD Asia Decent Work and Economic Growth The Shinta Mani Foundation seeks to be a leader in responsible tourism. The goal of the Shinta Mani Foundation (SMF) is to enhance the lives of the individuals in the local communities where it operates – by increasing their human capital and providing them the tools to overcome the constraints of poverty. The Hospitality Training Center of Shinta Mani Foundation was founded by Mr. Sokoun Chanpreda, the owner of Shinta Mani Hotels, in 2004 in order to train underprivileged students hotel operation skills and help them find employment for a bright future. The hotel's hospitality institute opened its doors to poor students and gives them a free nine-month education in high-level restaurant and hotel work. More than 60 students have completed the program since it started in 2004, and all have managed to find jobs. After scraping by on as little as $5 a month, they can earn $80 to $120 upon graduation. Cambodia
0 Toh Soon Huat, Executive Chairman, Sian Chay Medical Institution Toh, an entrepreneur turned full-time philanthropist, has given away nearly S$4 million ($2.9 million), primarily to provide traditional Chinese medicine to the underprivileged and elderly, with almost S$300,000 of that donated since 2018 Toh Soon Huat, Executive Chairman, Sian Chay Medical Institution Good Health and Well-Being Toh Soon Huat sold all his shares in the company and established the Novena Foundation, starting to devote himself in philanthropy. It was then when Sian Chay Medical Institution, founded since 1901, was on the brink of collapse due to weak operations. Toh took over Sian Chay Medical Institution which is a charity organization with over a century’s history. Sian Chay Medical Institution is a social enterprise with social operation, serving the society. Over the years, Sian Chay actively participated in community charity events, promoted health awareness, and encouraged health care activities. Sian Chay also arranged professional hairdressers to each branch to offer regularly haircut for the elderly, distributed multi-functional umbrellas, daily necessities, food packages, living handbags and etc. Sian Chay is also striving to promote racial harmony and social stability through the platform of Sian Chay. Singapore
0 Leong Hoy Kum, Group MD, Mah Sing Group Leong Hoy Kum is the founder and chief executive of Mah Sing Group, one of Malaysia's most diversified property developers. Leong Hoy Kum, Group MD, Mah Sing Group Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education and Sustainable Cities and Communities Mah Sing Foundation (MSF) was formed in 2005; as part of Mah Sing Group Corporate Responsibility arm. MSF aims to fund initiatives and programmes in line with its 3 pillars (education, health & wellbeing and family & community) with a focus on children and local communities, forge strategic partnerships with NGOs and other local partners for sustainable impacts to the beneficiaries and instil altruism and volunteerism culture among employees. Over 40 schools and NGOs and more than 230,000 individuals, and over RM 2.1 million total donations made as well as 445 volunteers involvement have benefited. Malaysia
0 Yoshiki Hayashi, Cofounder, X Japan Yoshiki Hayashi, is a Japanese musician, songwriter, composer and record producer. He is best known as a co-founder of the visual kei rock band X Japan, for which he is the drummer, pianist and main songwriter. Yoshiki Hayashi, Cofounder, X Japan Reducing Poverty and Quality Education Through Yoshiki Foundation America, YOSHIKI has supported many humanitarian causes across the globe. YOSHIKI’s ongoing charity work includes supporting the Japanese Red Cross, the Make A Wish Foundation, the Points of Light Foundation, the Grammy Foundation, and multiple other organizations. Japan
0 Wu Yuanxi, Chairman of Shenzhen Luhaicheng Group Wu Yuanxi is the chairman and general manager of real-estate group Shenzhen Lvhaicheng Group. Wu Yuanxi, Chairman of Shenzhen Luhaicheng Group Quality Education In June 2018, Wu Yuanxi and Wu Yuangang donated $52.9 million to Lufeng City for the construction of two local schools. One of the schools, which opened in September, dates back to a Chinese classics academy from the 18th century. Yuanxi previously helped build seven other schools in the city, and in 2008 established the Wu Yuanxi Charity Foundation, which has supported over 1,000 poor students pursuing college education. China
0 Suh Kyung-bae, CEO, Amorepacific Group Suh Kyung-bae is the Chairman & CEO of Amorepacific Group, a Korean cosmetics company founded by his father Suh Sung-whan in 1945. Suh Kyung-bae, CEO, Amorepacific Group Industry Innovation and Infrastructure The Suh Kyung-bae Science Foundation in September awarded 10 billion won ($9 million), to be allocated over five years, to four South Korean scientists for research in neuroscience and genetics. Suh established the foundation in 2016 with a personal endowment of 300 billion won. Since 2017, the foundation has awarded 14 scientists grants of between 1.5 billion and 2.5 billion won. Suh pledged in 2016 to donate whatever was needed to bring the foundation’s total funding up to 1 trillion won. With those funds, the foundation plans in 2021 to increase the number of scientists who receive its grants to 25 a year; it aims to mark its 20th anniversary in 2036 by giving grants to 100 scientists. Korea
0 Theodore Permadi Rachmat, Founder, Triputra Group Theodore Rachmat founded Triputra Group in 1998; it now has four business lines, including agribusiness, manufacturing and mining. Theodore Permadi Rachmat, Founder, Triputra Group Quality Education Mining and agribusiness tycoon Rachmat has since 2018 donated nearly $5 million toward his A&A Rachmat Compassionate Service Foundation, which supports educational opportunities, healthcare and orphanages. Launched in 1999 as a scholarship fund, the foundation has awarded scholarships to 21,000 recipients over the years, with Rachmat contributing $12.5 million. To ensure that students stay in school and learn effectively from an early stage, the foundation also organizes annual training programs for primary school teachers. In 2005, it expanded into healthcare with the Theodore ‘Teddy’ Rachmat foundation has providing funds for many clinics in various areas in Indonesia, which are used to but medical supplies and medicine. So far, there are 32 clinics in various areas in Indonesia that are funded by Teddy’s money, and these clinics have been successfully provided health services with more affordable costs to low income patients. These clinics provide super cheap healthcare services; for example, a patient can come and receive health services with only IDR 5,000 (around 50 cents) to IDR 20,000 (around $2) per visit to get consultation, diagnosis and medicine. Indonesia
0 Fola Adeola, Founder of Guaranty Trust Bank, Plc Tajudeen Afolabi Adeola is a Nigerian businessman and politician. He is a member of the Commission for Africa, and is the founder and chairman of the FATE Foundation and also one of the founders of Guaranty trust bank (GTB). Fola Adeola, Founder of Guaranty Trust Bank, Plc Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth Adeola established the FATE Foundation in 2000. FATE is a non-governmental organisation which aims to encourage entrepreneurship, using a mix of training, mentoring, loan support and consulting to support young Nigerians. To date it has served over 30,000 young Nigerian entrepreneurs, of which over 65% are fully employed by their businesses and are employing on average about four staff. FATE opened an innovation centre in Abeokuta, the Institute for Venture Design, in collaboration with the Centre for Design Research at Stanford University, which runs an entrepreneurship program focused on engineering, technology, and innovation, and which aims to promote development of industry in Nigeria. Nigeria
0 Tonye Cole, Co-founder and Executive Director of the Sahara Group Tonye Patrick Cole is the co-founder and former Group Executive Director of Sahara Group an energy conglomerate with operations spanning the entire energy chain in Nigeria and neighboring West African countries to East Africa and beyond. Tonye Cole, Co-founder and Executive Director of the Sahara Group Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education In addition to founding and running one of Nigeria's largest energy conglomerates, Mr. Cole also spearheaded and developed work carried out for the Sahara Foundation globally. He continues working to inspire the youth of Africa through charities such as his NGO, Nehemiah Youth Empowerment initiative, which aims to influence change in Africa by bringing together young and emerging leaders to develop and implement practical strategies that will produce positive outcomes for millions Through the Nehemiah Youth Empowerment Initiative, Cole regularly supports other foundations like the Down Syndrome Society, Slum2School Foundation, and Bethesda School for the Blind. He also serves on the advisory boards of various youth focused charities such Africa 2.0 Foundation and Sapinda Rainbow Foundation. Nigeria
0 John J. Wood, Founder of Room to Read John J. Wood is the Founder of Room to Read, a global non-profit organization focused on literacy and gender equality in education and a former Microsoft Executive. John J. Wood, Founder of Room to Read Quality Education and Gender Equality Wood co-founded Room to Read in 2001 with Dinesh Shrestha and Erin Ganju. Operating in ten countries throughout Asia and Africa (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia) the organization focuses on increasing literacy and gender equality in education in developing countries. Its programs develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the relevant life skills to succeed in school and beyond. Room to Read has over 37,000 partner schools, opened over 18,000 libraries filled with 26 million books, and published over 1,582 original new local-language children's book titles with local authors and artists. There are over 14.3 million children benefited from its literacy program. American Samoa
0 Sam Morgan, Founder Jasmine Social Investments Sam Morgan is best known as the founder of Trade Me, New Zealand's largest online auction site, which he sold in 2006 to Australian media company Fairfax for over NZ$700 million. Sam Morgan, Founder Jasmine Social Investments Reducing Poverty and Good Work and Economic Growth In 2006, following the sale of Trade Me, Morgan founded and endowed Jasmine Social Investments, a private foundation focused on high impact philanthropy. The Foundation funds high-performing social ventures and outstanding social entrepreneurs who are solving a basic need of the very poor. The mission is to find extraordinary organisations and fund them and provide advice and connections by visiting the ventures and really getting to know them. They also actively advocate for those they fund and share diligence efforts with like-minded funders. New Zealand
0 Jean-Philippe de Schrevel Jean-Philippe de Schrevel is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bamboo Finance. He provides overall leadership, management and vision for the firm. Previously, he co-founded Blue Orchard Finance in 2001 and remained a part of its management team until 2011. Jean-Philippe de Schrevel Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Climate Action Bamboo Capital Partners is a commercial private equity firm making investments that matter. It finds game-changing businesses then applies a mix of geographical and sector expertise to deliver financial and social returns. Experts in energy, healthcare and financial services globally, Bamboo has offices in Luxembourg, Geneva, Bogota, Nairobi and Singapore. Since Bamboo launched in 2007 it has proved that private capital can be profitably deployed as a tool for effective change. It has close to $400m under management with a portfolio of companies in over 30 countries. BlueOrchard was founded in 2001, by initiative of the UN, as the first commercial manager of microfinance debt investments worldwide. We offer premium impact investment solutions to qualified investors worldwide and provide debt and equity financing to institutions in emerging and frontier markets. BlueOrchard has invested to date over USD 6 billion across more than 80 countries. 200mn people with low income in emerging and frontier markets received access to financial and related services with the support of BlueOrchard as of December 2018. BlueOrchard offers premium impact investing solutions across multiple asset classes and provides unique blended finance opportunities. Our fund management mandates address a number of key global development and sustainability challenges including: financial inclusion, climate change, education, job creation and women’s empowerment. Luxembourg
0 Eytan M. Stibbe, Founding Partner Vital Capital Fund Eytan M. Stibbe, the Founding Director of Vital Capital Fund, has been involved in investment in Africa for the past 26 years. Mr. Stibbe has worked extensively in initiating business and financing ventures worldwide, primarily in developing countries, including many countries in Africa. His vision and leadership have led to the initiation, implementation and successful completion of high-profile projects throughout this region, with a consistent focus on aligning humanitarian objectives with financial and business interests. Mr. Stibbe’s successes in this regard have become a hallmark of his involvement in any project or investment and have resulted in tangible improvements in the quality of life for tens of thousands of people. Eytan M. Stibbe, Founding Partner Vital Capital Fund Decent Work and Economic Growth Vital Capital Fund is a $350 million private equity fund that invests 100% of its capital in impact opportunities which simultaneously enhance the quality of life of communities in rapidly developing nations, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa, while also delivering attractive financial returns for investors. 5 million individuals annually receive essential products or services through Vital’s investments and $740 million in local purchases made by portfolio companies (of which $78 million paid directly to smallholder farmers). In 2009, Eytan Stibbe and partners of the Vital Capital Fund committed to launch ADAMA Junior, an innovative educational program that creates agricultural villages, communities of about 200 students and their teachers, to educate and train Angolan girls and boys between the ages of 14-20. The program provides formal education as well as practical experience in agriculture, technology and industry. Each village will accommodate the students and serve as their home until they find their place in the country's work force. Ghana
0 Jeff Johns, CO-Founder and CEO of Impact Foundation Prior to launching Impact Foundation, Jeff spent 12 years at the National Christian Foundation (NCF) concentrating on network expansion. His affiliate team grew annual charitable contributions from $40 million to more than $850 million and raised more than $4 billion for Kingdom impact and positive change. In addition, Jeff has developed and led efforts to extend this model globally, with a focus on Asian markets through Global Generosity Foundation. Recently, he launched a platform in Hong Kong to serve greater China. Jeff Johns, CO-Founder and CEO of Impact Foundation Industry Innovation and Infrastructure and Partnership for the Goals Impact Foundation enables donors to invest charitable dollars in for-profit ventures that have a positive social and spiritual impact. The foundation provide donors a streamlined way to grow the impact of their charitable giving through an Impact Account - a special kind of donor advised fund. Purpose built for impact investing, it provide a streamlined way to fund transformational businesses, make loans to charity, and grow the amount donors have to give away. American Samoa
0 Darius Yuen, Founder and Chairman of Sow (Asia) Foundation Darius Yuen Lai Yan (???) is a Hong Kong investment banker and philanthropist. He is the founder and chairman of Sow (Asia) Foundation, a charity based in Hong Kong. Mr. Yuen left banking and founded SOW Asia to champion venture philanthropy through the application of business discipline as a force for the betterment of society. Darius Yuen, Founder and Chairman of Sow (Asia) Foundation Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption and Production and Partnership for the Goals SOW Asia aims to be the trusted partner and investor of choice to social-impact organisations looking to scale their impact in Hong Kong and throughout Asia by acting as a bridge leveraging venture philanthropic dollars to build a strong pipeline of investment-ready businesses with a social mission as venture philanthropy is needed to build and strengthen the pipeline for impact investing to thrive. Through this platform, our vision is to create an ecosystem in which local social enterprises can grow, self-sustain and attract external funding. We do this through our i2i accelerator program and our investments in our portfolio companies. Hong Kong
0 Vichien Phongsathorn, President & CEO, Premier Group of Companies Vichien founded three foundations to tackle inequality and to create change in Thai Society. He is a co-founder of the BKIND Fund, Thailand’s first socially responsible investment mutual fund which invests in Thai-listed companies that meet sustainability targets. He helped to establish the Thai CG Fund, a collaboration of the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organization (FETCO), 11 asset management companies, Khon Thai Foundation, Thailand Development Research Institute and the Change Venture Co., Ltd. The Thai CG Fund seeks to establish a mutual fund which only invests in companies demonstrating good corporate governance. He also sponsors Thailand’s most active online social crowdfunding platform - “Tae Jai” which aims to harness contributions from society in order to fund and scale up community-based projects in Thailand. Vichien Phongsathorn, President & CEO, Premier Group of Companies Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Partnership for the Goals A social purpose organisation for collaborative sustainable development with the belief that active engagement from the public and multiple organisations is the key in achieving sustainable development and solving structural problems. We create platforms to empower active citizens to work with each other and to join issue-based intermediary organisations to mobilize for change. We do this through the “Thailand Collaboration for Change”, a cooperative network of active citizens and civil society groups working for inclusive and sustainable development. In 2018, all four platforms reached 53,328 beneficiaries, 358 stakeholders, 13,793 active citizens and 362 volunteers. Outcomes include: Thailand Collaboration for Change - people’s participation for sustainable development; an online community for sharing society; BKIND – a mutual fund for sharing society; THAI CG Funds – a mutual fund for corporate governance and anti-corruption; media for social Justice Fund- for strong media ecosystem for social justice. Thailand
0 Y?hei Sasakawa, Honorary Chairman of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation and the Nippon Foundation Y?hei Sasakawa (?? ??) is chairman of The Nippon Foundation, the World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, and Japan's Ambassador for the Human Rights of People Affected by leprosy. His global fight against leprosy and its accompanying stigma and social discrimination is an issue to which he has remained highly committed for more than 40 years. As chairman of The Nippon Foundation, Japan's largest charitable foundation, he is seen as a pioneer in guiding public-interest activities by the private in modern Japan. Sasakawa received his degree from Meiji University’s School of Political Science and Economics. Sasakawa's father was businessman, politician, and philanthropist Ry?ichi Sasakawa. Y?hei Sasakawa, Honorary Chairman of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation and the Nippon Foundation Gender Equality, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Partnership for the Goals The Foundation has five priority goals: further strengthening the Japan–U.S. relationship, expanding Japan’s presence in Asia, enhancing understanding of and relationships with Islamic countries, establishing ocean governance, and empowering women. A host of projects are funded by the Sasakawa Pacific island Nations Fund program, Sasakawa Pan Asia Fund program, Sasakawa Japan - China Friendship Fund program, Sasakawa Middle East Islam Fund program. The Nippon Foundation (????) of Tokyo, Japan, is a private, non-profit grant-making organization. It was established in 1962 by Ryoichi Sasakawa, a late statesman and businessman. The foundation's mission is to direct Japanese motorboat racing revenue into philanthropic activities, and it uses these monies to pursue global maritime development and assistance for humanitarian work, both at home and abroad. In the humanitarian field, it focuses on such fields as social welfare, public health, and education. The current chairman is Yohei Sasakawa, World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, Special Envoy of the Government of Japan for National Reconciliation in Myanmar, and the son of the foundation's founder, Ryoichi Sasakawa. Japan
0 Zhou Qingzhi, Honorary President Primary Founder and Donor of Narada Foundation Zhou Qingzhi, Honorary President, Primary Founder and Donor of Narada Foundation. Chair of the Board/President, Shanghai Narada Group Co., Ltd. Chair of the Board, Non-Profit Incubator Standing Board Zhou Qingzhi, Honorary President Primary Founder and Donor of Narada Foundation Reducing Poverty, Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Industry Innovation & Infrastructure Based from its mission and vision, advance the philanthropic sector’s development aims to improve the policy environment, raise public awareness, build basic infrastructure that fosters the growth of non-profit organisations, and encourage the evolution of a healthy philanthropic ecosystem. Our work is carried out in four key ways: raising public awareness, encouraging supportive policies and regulations, setting good data standards, and building platforms and networks. China
0 Peter Hall, Former Chief Investment Officer of Hunter Hall Investment Management and Philanthropist Peter Hall is a London-based Australian financier, media proprietor and philanthropist. He is the Founder, Executive chairman and former Chief Investment Officer of Hunter Hall Investment Management, an investment firm. He has donated millions of dollars to animal conservation charitable causes. Peter Hall, Former Chief Investment Officer of Hunter Hall Investment Management and Philanthropist Responsible Consumption and Production and Life on Land In 1993, he founded Hunter Hall Investment Management, an investment firm to invest in global companies that he believes do not harm people, animals or the environment. Hall previously served as its Executive chairman and Chief Investment Officer. Hunter Hall International donates 5 per cent of pre-tax profit to charity and Mr Hall directly put millions of dollars into conservation initiatives. He is especially proud of his work protecting the Sumatran and Javan rhinos, the most threatened of their species. In December 2016, Hall abruptly resigned his role as CIO. Australia
0 Paul Little, Chairman and Founder of Little Group. Formed in 2006, the Little Group focused initially on opportunities in the property sector through Little Projects and Little Real Estate. The Group has since expanded investments across a range of enterprises including aviation and passenger ferries. From 1986 to 2011, Paul was the Managing Director of Toll Holdings and oversaw the Toll Group’s rise to become Asia’s pre-eminent provider of logistics services. Paul Little, Chairman and Founder of Little Group. Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education and Industry Innovation and Infrastructure In 2015 Paul and his wife Jane Hansen established a private ancillary fund called the Hansen Little Foundation. This has now grown to be a large and active philanthropic undertaking, chaired and run actively by Jane Hansen. Current areas of focus are on tertiary education, the arts, medical research and select project contributions. The size of grants varies significantly, with some multi-million dollar gifts having a long gestation period which occur typically when Jane or Paul have had extensive involvement with the organisation. The Foundation's resources extend beyond the financial to include both time and expertise in assisting a range of recipients to optimally achieve their goals. For the Little Group, philanthropy is an important part of the culture and how it chooses to prioritise it resources. The Foundation is not a cheque-writing exercise. It is about targeted programming where the founders have had extensive involvement in the design and impact of their investment. Those programs are specific in their nature and deep in their commitment. Australia
0 Amit Chandra, CEO of Bain India & Archana Chandra, CEO at Jai Vakeel Foundation and Research Centre Mr. Chandra joined Bain Capital Private Equity in 2008. He is the founder of the Mumbai office, a Managing Director and the Chairman of India for the firm. Amit Chandra, CEO of Bain India & Archana Chandra, CEO at Jai Vakeel Foundation and Research Centre Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education Husband and wife give 75% of their earnings each year to causes from education to health care. He was one of the founding donors to Ashoka University and has funded a new children's hospital in Mumbai that will be the country's largest. Archana Chandra, CEO of the Jai Vakeel Foundation & Research Centre has volunteered with the organization for over 10 years, India
0 Stephen Robert Tindall, Founder of New Zealand retailer The Warehouse, The Warehouse Group, and the Tindall Foundation Stephen Robert Tindall GNZM is the founder of New Zealand retailer The Warehouse, The Warehouse Group, and the Tindall Foundation Stephen Robert Tindall, Founder of New Zealand retailer The Warehouse, The Warehouse Group, and the Tindall Foundation Good Health and Well-Being, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnership for the Goals The Tindall Foundation is a private philanthropic family foundation working throughout Aotearoa New Zealand helping to build a stronger, sustainable nation so that families, communities and our environment thrive now and in the future. Stephen and Margaret Tindall founded The Tindall Foundation (TTF) in 1994. Today, they support over 700 organisations a year, giving annual donations of around $10 million to help families, communities and the environment. It contributes to organisations and community groups through donations, social loans and social investments, and in non-financial ways through advocacy, influencing, convening, connecting and capacity building. In appreciation of the diverse needs of communities, aims to be a flexible and responsive funder. Since 1995 donations and commitments have totalled over $185 million, Local Donation Managers have distributed over $60.7 million in Tindall Foundation funds in the last 24 years. Stephen and Margaret have five children who started their own fund, Next Gen, in 2015. They are working together as a group to give donations to youth development organisations using the creative arts (which lies outside TTF’s focus areas) as a mechanism for helping young people. New Zealand
0 Ralph Sarich, Founder Orbital Engine Company Ralph Sarich AO is an Australian automotive engineer, inventor, and businessman who developed the orbital engine and the orbital combustion process engine. Sarich founded the Orbital Engine Company, which developed the orbital combustion process (OCP) engine, based on the two-stroke concept. Ralph Sarich, Founder Orbital Engine Company Good Health and Well-Being and Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Sarich donated a considerable amount of the profits from the Orbital Corporation into the community, including commitments of approximately A$ 65 Million to various charitable organisations. The construction of the $ 37.7 Million, five-level, 8,900 square meter Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute (SNRI) building commenced in February 2015 and includes assessment and treatment rooms, tissue culture laboratories and facilities for neuro science research, physiology research, experiments and cryogenic archival storage. The SNRI would not exist if not for the generosity of the Sarich family who donated $20 million towards the project. The SNRI building creates an environment that fosters research of various neuroscience related diseases to improve the health of the community. Australia
0 Budi Hartono Robert Budi Hartono is a Chinese Indonesian tobacco billionaire. He owns and runs the privately held Djarum, the world's third largest maker of clove cigarettes. Budi Hartono also has a stake with his brother, Michael Bambang Hartono in one of Indonesia's biggest banks, Bank Central Asia. Budi Hartono Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Climate Action, Life on Land Djarum Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by two brothers, Michael Bambang Hartono and Robert Budi Hartono, with the mission to bring Indonesia forward by increasing the quality of its human resources and maintain the sustainability of its natural resources. Before the organization was officiated on 30 April 1986, the Hartono brothers have done several social activities as a form of attentiveness towards education, environment, sports, and culture in Indonesia. Those activities were initiated to provide assistance for the people living in Kudus in 1951. Today, Victor Hartono, the son of Robert Budi Hartono, serves as the President Director of Djarum Foundation. Djarum Foundation strongly holds their philosophy, “born from within and grow with the environment”, in order to bring Indonesia forward. In the interest of realizing the founders’ mission, Djarum Foundation activities are focused towards five duties: Social, Sport, Environment, Education, and Culture. These five duties are the meaning of Djarum Foundation. Indonesia
0 Vineet Nayar, Former CEO of HCL Technologies & Founder, Sampark Foundation Vineet Nayar is an Indian business executive, author and philanthropist. He is the former Chief Executive Officer of HCL Technologies (2007–13), Founder Chairman & CEO of Sampark Foundation Vineet Nayar, Former CEO of HCL Technologies & Founder, Sampark Foundation Quality Education Sampark Foundation was set up by Anupama Nayar and Vineet Nayar, former Vice Chairman and CEO of HCL Technologies with a belief that 'frugal innovation' and its effective implementation in partnership with the government can drive large-scale improvement in learning outcomes. This thought prompted its founders to dedicate their lives to advancing the cause of primary education in the country. The foundation has already reached 7 million children in 76,000 schools across 6 states. India
0 Harald Link, Chairman and CEO B.Grimm Harald Link is a Thai-German businessman, industrialist, and philanthropist. He is the chairman, CEO, and owner of B.Grimm Harald Link, Chairman and CEO B.Grimm Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions On the 12 October 2016, Her Royal Highness Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck of Bhutan agreed with B.Grimm to establish the Gross National Happiness Centre of Thailand. The agreement marks the world's first Gross National Happiness Centre outside of Bhutan since being established in 1972. A key mission of the centre is to "pursue and achieve collective happiness by building a more peaceful, sustainable and harmonious world." He also built the largest polo club in Thailand, supports more than 13,000 schools and is saving tigers around the country. Being a prominent supporter of various foundations and organizations under the Royal Family’s patronage, B.Grimm Group and the Link family have continuously been dedicating to promote numerous worthy livelihood and Education programs as our key contribution to Thai society. Our contributions have made a tremendous difference in the lives of our employees and their families, community members, children in need, handicapped and many more. Among the companies in B.Grimm Group whether in office buildings’ or factories’ working environments, efficient use of energy and natural resources is not only encouraged but are strongly implemented. The group also provides strong support and considerable sponsorship to a wide range of education programs. Thailand
0 Charles Chen, Chairman, Yeon Holding Group; President, Chen Yung Foundation; Vice Chairman, Taian Insurance Mr. Chen currently holds the position of Chairman in Eyon Holding Group. He is also the Vice-Chairman of Taiwan Air Cargo Terminal Corporation and Taian Insurance Co., Ltd. In addition, he serves as a board member of China Airlines, and holds many other local and foreign directorships. Charles Chen, Chairman, Yeon Holding Group; President, Chen Yung Foundation; Vice Chairman, Taian Insurance Good Health and Well-Being Mr. Chen is the Co-President of Chen Yung Foundation and Formosa Cancer Foundation in Taiwan. He also sits on the boards of a number of other non-profit organizations, including Children Liver Foundation, Earth's Love Foundation, Taiwan Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Research Foundation, among others. His $5 million gift in 2013 to Taipei's Fu Jen Catholic U. helped fund the construction of a 1,000-bed hospital that will open next year. Taiwan
0 Anton Mari H. Lim Veterinarian, businessman. Anton Mari Hao Lim, DVM, better known as Doc Anton Lim, is a Filipino veterinarian, businessman, public figure, and humanitarian, and a frequent speaker, organizer, and community volunteer throughout the Philippines as he advocates for the disadvantaged. Coordinator of Tzu Chi Foundation, Zamboanga Liaison Office, where he began volunteering in 1998, he co-founded the Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation in 2010. Anton Mari H. Lim Veterinarian, businessman. Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education The Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation was formerly referred to as the Philippine Funds for Little Kids, which started as a national movement in late 2010 to help children who had to swim to get to school and who lived in the mangrove village of Layag-Layag, Brgy. Talon-Talon, Zamboanga City. From the first boat that was turned over in March 2011, more than 4,600 yellow boats have been built to bring more children safely to school while their parents use them in between to improve their livelihood. Each boat has the name of the donor painted on the side. Aside from the yellow boats, the foundation has branched out to building and maintaining a day care center, building classrooms and schools, dorms, providing scholarships, providing school bags and other school supplies, conducting medical/dental missions, and empowering the community as a whole through applicable environmental and livelihood programs. We are also now present in 129 communities around the Philippines – the Philippines being an archipelago composed of 7,107 islands. Philippines
0 Li Zhao Hui, Businessman, and Chairman of Huamin Charity Foundation Li Zhao Hui, businessman, philanthropist and Chairman of Huamin Charity Foundation Li Zhao Hui, Businessman, and Chairman of Huamin Charity Foundation Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education In terms of project objectives, the main energy and financial resources will be placed in three major areas: first, in education, the current project is to promote fair education opportunities by financing the employment of poor college students; second, in the elderly, through the establishment of elderly apartments and other forms and Cooperate with financial institutions such as insurance to realize the innovation of the pension system. We are actively participating in research projects on pension issues organized by relevant state ministries and commissions, in order to find the correct positioning of charity institutions in the pension industry, and make due contributions to the state and ethnic pension, especially the poverty pension. The third is some major public welfare activities involving national, national and social core values. Such as supporting the development of Sinology, anthropological research, theoretical research on charity, supporting related civil affairs and so on. The Huamin Research Center was established in 2012 through collaboration between the Huamin Charity Foundation and Rutgers University, and is based out of Rutgers School of Social Work. The Center’s mission is to develop and disseminate knowledge through research and exchange that promotes professional development of non-profit organizations and strengthens individual, family, and community well-being in China. China
0 Jack DeBoer, Founder of Residence Inn and the DeBoer Foundation. With the founding of Residence Inn, followed by Summerfield Suites and Candlewood Suites, Jack is recognized as the pioneer of the extended-stay and all-suite hotel concepts. In 1988, after he sold Residence Inn to Marriott. He later founded the DeBoer Foundation and the DeBoer Fellowship. Jack DeBoer, Founder of Residence Inn and the DeBoer Foundation. Quality Education and Reducing Inequality For more than twenty years, the DeBoers have partnered with World Vision Myanmar to help relieve the effects of poverty in Myanmar, “one child at a time.” The DeBoer Foundation soon began to explore how it could develop the leadership and management skills of emerging Myanmar leaders. The DeBoer Fellowship took shape, created for highly talented Myanmar men and women who missed educational and vocational opportunities during the previous decades. The first DeBoer Fellowship class launched in January 2014 in Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar. The DeBoer Fellowship is a pioneer in leadership development in Myanmar. The program is designed to empower and equip highly motivated and proven citizen leaders to Go Do Good. Myanmar
0 Laurence Lien, Chairman of the Lien Foundation and CEO of the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC). Laurence Lien, son of Dr George Lien Ying Chow (1906-2004), an eminent Asian business leader, banker, hotelier and philanthropist, is a champion of the non-profit sector in Singapore. He is the chairman of the Lien Foundation and CEO of the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) and the Community Foundation of Singapore. He is the president of the Centre for Non-Profit Leadership and the deputy chairman of the Caritas Singapore Community Council. Laurence Lien, Chairman of the Lien Foundation and CEO of the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC). Reducing Poverty, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation and Sustainable Cities and Communities As part of its unique brand of “radical philanthropy”, the Lien Foundation pioneers and propagates solutions that attempt to tackle the root of problems in eldercare and early childhood development in Singapore and improve access to clean water and sanitation among rural communities in southeast Asia. It also seeks to ensure comfort, dignity and care for the dying in Singapore as well as in south and southeast Asia. It collects basic performance metrics and progress indicators for our projects and work every step of the way with our partners to learn from the past and, where possible, preempt the challenges and needs of the future. Singapore
1 Li huijuan, Founder of International arts and intelligence interactive education platform AIIES international interactive education platform is a dream building platform for elite youth, committed to promoting the incubation and development of public welfare innovation projects for youth; A group of 15-29 years old teenagers from all over the world, with the mission of balanced creativity, firmly believe that only by embracing balanced creativity can we lead the world to a better future in the 21st century! Li huijuan, Founder of International arts and intelligence interactive education platform Education AIIES aims to guide and encourage young people to participate in public welfare undertakings as their own responsibility, care for the growth of young people, advocate young people have the courage to assume social responsibility, promote social balance and harmonious progress. It calls for pooling the power of global love, paying attention to the public education of young people, attaching importance to the potential of art to stimulate their balanced creativity, attracting more young people to put forward innovative public welfare ideas, embrace balanced creativity, and change the future world. China
2 Qian Jun and Kunshan Yuting Public Welfare Foundation Qian Jun, "Mr. toilet" in China, founder of Kunshan Yuting Public Welfare Foundation, founder of God Bird Toilet Industry Group, founder of China toilet culture center, member of Jiangsu Youth Federation, member of public toilet Committee of China Environmental Protection Association, member of global good fortune leadership program, student of senior leadership management project of Kennedy School of government of Harvard University, 2017 "Kunshan good man". Qian Jun and Kunshan Yuting Public Welfare Foundation Healthcare Kunshan Yuting Public Welfare Foundation is a public welfare organization that advocates and promotes the toilet revolution. It was founded by Mr. Qian Jun in 2014. The foundation focuses on public health, environmental ecology and other innovative public welfare fields, advocating civilized toilet and improving toilet environment. The mission of the foundation is to "focus on public health and toilet culture", and the vision is to "strive for improving human toilet environment". China
3 Yu Guangchao, member of the CPC Committee and Chief Financial Officer of Huanghe Science and Technology College and the Secretary General of the Education Development Foundation of Huanghe Science and Technology College of Henan Province Through scientific financial management and operation mode, the university has more than 46,000 students and 68 undergraduate majors and 35 specialized majors. At the same time, there are more than 50 teaching and research platforms above the provincial level, such as academician workstation of Henan province, post-doctoral research base, provincial key laboratory, provincial international joint laboratory, provincial engineering and technology research center, and more than 200,000 application-oriented senior professionals. Yu Guangchao, member of the CPC Committee and Chief Financial Officer of Huanghe Science and Technology College and the Secretary General of the Education Development Foundation of Huanghe Science and Technology College of Henan Province Education Yu guangchao has devoted himself to private education. In the early stage, he broke through the loan policy and opened a door for private education in order to solve the problem of insufficient funds in private universities. Following the development direction of national education reform and the strategic positioning of the school, we have continuously explored the establishment of a standardized, applicable and efficient financial management system, and formed a sound financial operation mode of more than 20 units including Yellow River institute of science and technology and its affiliated technical secondary schools, affiliated middle schools, affiliated hospitals, training schools and factories. We will effectively strengthen and enhance the efficiency of financial management, budget management, supervision and auditing. China
4 Mohamed Al Fayed, Owner, Hotel Ritz Paris Net Worth $1.6 billion Mohamed Al-Fayed, Egyptian Arabic pronunciation: born 27 January 1929) is an Egyptian business magnate. Fayed's business interests include ownership of Hôtel Ritz Paris and formerly Harrods Department Store, Knightsbridge. Fayed and his brothers founded a shipping company in Egypt before moving its headquarters to Italy with additional offices in London. During his early career, Fayed met the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum who entrusted Fayed with helping transform Dubai, where he set up IMS (International Marine Services) in 1968. Prior to that, he also became financial adviser for Sultan of Brunei Omar Ali Saifuddien III. Mohamed Al Fayed, Owner, Hotel Ritz Paris Healthcare Education The foundation's work focuses on improving the lives of traumatised, impoverished and very sick children. It extends from supporting world-renowned children’s hospitals, to children’s hospices, schools and individuals. Egypt
5 Mohammed Dewji, President and CEO of MeTL Group Net worth $1.9 billion Mohammed "Mo" Gulamabbas Dewji(born 8 May 1975) is a Tanzanian businessman and former politician. He is owner of MeTL Group, a Tanzanian conglomerate founded by his father in the 1970s. Dewji is responsible for increasing MeTL's revenues from $30 million to over $1.5 billion between 1999 and 2018. MeTL Group has investments in manufacturing, agriculture, trading, finance, mobile telephony, insurance, real estate, transport and logistics, and food and beverages. The group conducts business in 11 countries and employs over 28,000 people with the aim to target over 100,000 people by 2021. MeTL's operations contribute ~3.5% of Tanzania's GDP. Mohammed joined The Giving Pledge. Mohammed Dewji, President and CEO of MeTL Group Healthcare VPS Healthcare is a multinational healthcare group headquartered at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. VPS Healthcare is an integrated healthcare service provider with 20 operational hospitals, over 125 medical centres, 10,000 employees and medical support services spread across the Middle East, Europe and India. United Arab Emirates
6 Shamsheer Vayalil Parambath, Chairman and Managing Director of VPS Healthcare Net worth $1.4 billion Shamsheer Vayalil Parambath (born 11 January 1977) is an Indian physician, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the chairman and managing director of VPS Healthcare Group, and the vice chairman and managing director of Amanat Holdings, healthcare and education investment company. Shamsheer Vayalil Parambath, Chairman and Managing Director of VPS Healthcare Healthcare VPS Healthcare is a multinational healthcare group headquartered at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. VPS Healthcare is an integrated healthcare service provider with 20 operational hospitals, over 125 medical centres, 10,000 employees and medical support services spread across the Middle East, Europe and India. United Arab Emirates
7 Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Founder Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Initiatives Net worth $12 billion Mu?ammad bin R?shid al Makt?m born 15 July 1949 is the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates(UAE), and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. The Mohammed Bin Rashid Global Initiatives is a charitable foundation which consolidates the work of some 33 charitable foundations, entities and initiatives which together implement more than 1,400 development programs, contributing to the support of more than 130 million people in 116 countries in collaboration with over 280 strategic partners, including governmental institutions, private sector companies, as well as regional and international organizations. Sheikh Mohammed has made a number of charitable donations to Palestinian causes in its struggle against Israel. Having called for US restraint in Afghanistan both in public and in meetings with US officials, Sheikh Mohammed moved to donate $2m for temporary housing for those displaced by the US bombing campaign of 2001/2002. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Founder Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Initiatives Healthcare and Education Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives was launched with the aim of making the best use of intergrated resources, and focusing on clear, well-defined developmental goals, towards which all affiliated institutions working under its umbrella shall operate. This foundation pays special attention to the challenges that face the Arab nation. 23 million people to be treated and protected from blindness and eye diseases. 2 million household supported and enabled in 40 countries. 10 million children benefited from education initiatives. 1 billion investment to create integrated enviroment for creators and innovators. United Arab Emirates
8 Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim, Founder and Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation Net worth $1.18 billion Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim (born 3 May 1946) is a Sudanese-British billionaire businessman. After selling Celtel in 2005 for $3.4 billion, he set up the Mo Ibrahim Foundation to encourage better governance in Africa, as well as creating the Mo Ibrahim Index, to evaluate nations' performance. Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim, Founder and Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation Governance and Leadership The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is an African foundation, established in 2006 with one focus: the critical importance of governance and leadership for Africa. They believe that governance and leadership lie at the heart of any tangible and shared improvement in the quality of life of African citizens. Sudan
9 Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi, Support healthcare and sport in Saudi Arabia, the US, Europe and Africa Net worth $8.1 billion Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-'Amoudi is a Saudi billionaire businessman. He was born in Ethiopia in 1946 to a Yemeni father and an Ethiopian mother. Al Amoudi has committed funds to support healthcare and sport in Saudi Arabia, the US, Europe and Africa. Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi, Support healthcare and sport in Saudi Arabia, the US, Europe and Africa Education, Training and Healthcare He funded a breast cancer research centre at King Abdulaziz University. In 2008, Al Amoudi funded King Saud University's an enhanced oil recovery research chair. Al Amoudi was named as one of the William J. Clinton Foundation Donors, according to information released as part of an obligation placed on former President Clinton. Ethiopia
10 Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber, Founder, Sole patron and Chairman of the MBI Al Jaber Foundation Net worth $7.19 billion Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber, born 1959 in Jeddah, is an Arab businessman and philanthropist. He has founded the MBI Al Jaber Foundation in 2002, which operates in the fields of education, cultural dialogue and good governance. Since its launch, The MBI Al Jaber Foundation has provided a wide range of academic scholarships in order for students from the MENA regions to continue their education at some of the world’s leading universities. Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber, Founder, Sole patron and Chairman of the MBI Al Jaber Foundation Education, Cultural Dialogue and Good Governance The MBI Al Jaber Foundation helps the next generation of talent from the Arab world gain the freedom and opportunity to shape their future and that of their community, country and region. In addition, the MBI Al Jaber Foundation seeks to bring people together from a diverse range of countries and cultures, in order to promote cultural dialogue and exchange. We want to contribute to an age of mutual understanding, where global misconceptions about the people of the Arab world are a thing of the past. United Arab Emirates
11 Sawiris family, Founder of Sawiris Foundation for Social Development Net worth $42 billion in 2008 the Sawiris family is an Egyptian royal family that owns the Orascom conglomerate, spanning telecommunications, construction, tourism, industries and technology. The family established the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development in 2001. it is one of the first family donor foundations dedicated to social development to be established in Egypt. Sawiris family, Founder of Sawiris Foundation for Social Development Employment Creation and Training, Microfinance, Health, Community Development Sawiris Foundation for Social Development contribute to Egypt's development, create sustainable job opportunities, and empower citizens to build productive lives that realize their full potential. Its activities include: creating projects that provide job opportunities for Egyptians; training particularly in economic sectors and professions that are not adequately available in the Egyptian market; placement of qualified Egyptians in the job market; scholarships in various colleges and universities. Egypt
12 Lisa Genasci, Founder and CEO of ADM Capital Foundation Lisa Genasci established the ADM Capital Foundation 11 years ago as an innovative philanthropic vehicle to support critical research and impact-driven approaches to environmental conservation in Asia. ADMCF has been widely recognized for its work on solutions to some of our most intransigent challenges: depleting oceans, the nexus between forestry and development, air quality and public health, the intersection between food, energy and water. Lisa Genasci, Founder and CEO of ADM Capital Foundation Environmental and social challenges The ADM Capital Foundation (ADMCF) is a philanthropic foundation established in 2006 by investment manager ADM Capital. It works to address environmental and social challenges across Asia. Through research, they identify environmental challenges then work towards solutions across five key areas: marine ecology, water security, air quality, wildlife trade, and forestry conservation finance. Hong Kong
13 Brenninkmeijer family, Founder Porticus Foundation Net worth $27 billion in 2015 Brenninkmeijer is a German-Dutch family. Two members of the Brenninkmeyer family founded C&A, an international chain of clothing stores. Porticus is the international organisation that manages and develops the philanthropic programmes of charitable entities. Brenninkmeijer family, Founder Porticus Foundation Human dignity, Social justice and Sustainability Porticus is the international organisation that manages and develops the philanthropic programmes of charitable entities. In collaboration with partners around the globe to foster human dignity, social justice and sustainability. Working within Porticus’ strategic themes of education, society, faith and care, as well as in the field of economic development and climate change, aims to contribute to systemic social change by combining thematic expertise with grassroots networks all over the world. Every year, approximately 2,000 projects are supported in almost 90 countries around the world. Netherlands
14 Steve Case (Chairman) and Jean Case (CEO), Founder the Case Foundation Net worh $1.5 billion Stephen McConnell Case (born August 21, 1958) is an American entrepreneur, investor, and businessman best known as the former chief executive officer and chairman of America Online (AOL). The Case Foundation founded in 1997 invests in individuals, nonprofits, and social enterprises aiming to connect people, increase giving, and catalyze civic action. Steve Case (Chairman) and Jean Case (CEO), Founder the Case Foundation Nonprofits, and Social Enterprises The Case Foundation is a diverse and dynamic institution by design. They create programs and invest in people and organizations that embrace the Be Fearless principles and harness the best impulses of entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and collaboration to drive exponential impact. They believe the world needs more fearless approaches to social change, so we take risks on new ideas and approaches, and partner across sectors with people and organizations that?share their fervor to engage citizens and change the world for the better, today. They don’t limit themselves to any one sector or issue but instead?let a set of core values drive all of their ventures. Revenue is 2015 were recorded at $4,000,652. American Samoa
15 Matthew Pohlson (CEO) and Ryan Cummins (Vice Chairman), Founded Omaze Ryan Cummins net worth estimation $ 100,000 - $ 1 Million Matthew Pohlson (CEO) and Ryan Cummins (Vice Chairman), Founded Omaze Online Platform Omaze, is the online fundraising platform that's reinventing charitable giving by making it fun and easy for everyone. Everything at Omaze connects influencers, nonprofits and donors to support incredible causes. In that way, the company helps charities to raise more funds and awareness, so they can create greater impact than they ever have before. The company has raised over $60 million for over 200 charities, including UNICEF, After-School All-Stars, Julia's House, Product Red, and Make-A-Wish Foundation. American Samoa
16 B.R. Shetty, Co-Founder Dr. BR and CR Shetty Foundation Net worth $ 2.7 billion Bavaguthu Raghuram Shetty (born 1 August 1942) is an Indian-born billionaire businessman and the founder of a number of companies based in the United Arab Emirates. B.R. Shetty, Co-Founder Dr. BR and CR Shetty Foundation B.R. Shetty Co-Founder Dr. BR and CR Shetty Foundation BR and CR Shetty Foundation is a registered non-profit, non-political, non-religious charitable trust that aims to support underprivileged people in the areas of education, health, poverty alleviation, and community empowerment.  India
17 Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair, Founder Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education Net worth $5.9 billion (2018) Mr. Abdulla Ahmad Al Ghurair was born in the Emirate of Dubai. Mr. Abdullah had been involved in many humanitarian causes. He is also one of the first supporters of the development and enhancement of the educational sector in the UAE. His contribution to philanthropy in the Arab world was recognized on a regional level in 2016 when the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Science Organization (ALECSO) appointed him as the first goodwill ambassador for education in the Arab world. Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair, Founder Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education Education, Microfinance, Sports, Youth Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education create opportunities to activate the untapped potential of Arab youth, providing underserved, high-achieving students with the scholarships, support and skills training that they need to thrive. They imagine a world where the scholars become leaders in their communities and ambassadors of education in the region. They aim to reignite what is already in the region’s DNA: a culture of giving back, a connectedness to community, and a spirit of generosity that creates impact United Arab Emirates
18 Bahia Bahaeddine Hariri, Sister of the Founder Hariri Foundation (Prime Minister Rafic Hariri) Hariri's family net worth was $17 billion in 2017. Bahia Bahaeddine Hariri (born 26 June 1952) is a Lebanese politician. Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, has played an essential role in Lebanon’s political and social welfare. She is especially known for her commitment to education. A strong advocate for women, MP Hariri is the founder of the Women’s Committee at the Arab Parliament Union and the Arab Women’s Summit. Bahia Bahaeddine Hariri, Sister of the Founder Hariri Foundation (Prime Minister Rafic Hariri) Education and Charity Hariri Foundation is a major education and charitable institution. Bahia is the president of the administrative council of the foundation for Sustainable Human Development. The foundation operates with the aim to rehabilitate the city’s scientific, educational and cultural contexts on the basis of national harmony, coexistence, and reaffirmation of Saida’s national convictions when building a capable and impartial nation. Lebanon
19 Othman Benjelloun, Founder of Fondation BMCE Bank Net worth $1.8 billion Othman Benjelloun Othman Benjelloun (born 1931 in Fez, Morocco) is a Moroccan businessman. He founded a non-profit foundation based in Casablanca, Morocco primarily supporting educational causes in rural areas through its initiative and the teaching of the native Moroccan language, the Amazigh language Othman Benjelloun, Founder of Fondation BMCE Bank Education Foundation BMCE Bank aims to develop and increase the educational levels in the country through assessing students, supervise teachers, developing an educational programs, and building schools. It is also engaged in promoting awareness on environmental protection. Furthermore, BMCE Bank, where Benjelloun serves as Chairman and CEO, donates 4% of its annual gross operating income to Fondation BMC Bank. In 2015, Benjelloun also bought a 1970 Mercedes-Benz convertible in a charity auction that supports cancer patients. In addition, Benjelloun is a Member and Director at Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, and a Member at Synergos. He does not appear to have a family foundation. Morocco
20 Mansour Group, Founder Mansour family. Lotfy Mansour, Youssef Mansour, Mohamed Mansour ($2.3B), Yasseen Mansour ($1.5B), Ismail Mansour, Rawya Mansour Net worth over $3.8 billion Mansour Group is an Egyptian multinational conglomerate, with operations across the globe. The company is the second-largest company in Egypt by revenue. The Mansour Foundation (founded in 2001) is a non-profit organization involved in the welfare and socio-economic development of Egyptian society through diverse methods. Mansour Group, Founder Mansour family. Lotfy Mansour, Youssef Mansour, Mohamed Mansour ($2.3B), Yasseen Mansour ($1.5B), Ismail Mansour, Rawya Mansour Welfare and Socio-Economic development Starting out as the Mansour Charity Foundation in January 2001, the Mansour Foundation for Development (MFD) was the first donor NGO to be fully funded by an Egyptian family. 2009 was a pivotal year for the foundation, as it expanded its activities and gained plaudits for its work. Social responsibility is built on passion, commitment, and duty. MFD is determined not just to assist community development, but to advance and build a society by offering individuals and institutions the widest possible range of development programs, mainly in education, health and capacity-building. The MFD aims to tackle illiteracy, poverty, and disease to contribute effectively to the development of Egyptian society. Egypt
21 Putera Sampoerna, Founder Putera Sampoerna Foundation Net worth $1.8 billion (2016) Putera Sampoerna is an Indonesian businessman. He is the founder of Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) is a social business institution in Indonesia. PSF is a consultant for, and operator of, corporate social responsibility programs. Putera Sampoerna, Founder Putera Sampoerna Foundation Corporate Social Responsibility In 2001, tobacco heir Putera Sampoerna established the Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF). PSF is chaired by Michelle Sampoerna. As of a 2012 press release, PSF has disbursed more than 34,600 scholarships, organized workshops for more than 19,000 teachers and headmasters, and adopted 23 public schools and 5 Islamic elementary schools. The Foundation has 4 focuses of influence: quality education for high-achieving, but underprivileged students, job creation through entrepreneurship development programs, public enlightenment through the empowerment of women, and the distribution of aid and relief programs for compassionate and disaster relief. The Putera Sampoerna foundation launched Mekar in 2017 to distribute wealth where it is needed most by providing access to finance for small business in Indonesia through a business model which reaches offline and unbankable businesses and connects them with online wealthy lenders. Indonesia
22 Family of King Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King Khalid Foundation The House of Saud's net worth is estimated to be $1.4 trillion. HRH Princess Banderi bint Abdulrahman AlFaisal is the CEO of the Foundation. Princess Al-Bandari was a co-founder of the Shaghaf programme, and a member of the Women’s Charity Association, Ifta Society for Hyperactivity Disorder and the Al-Nahda Philanthropic Society for Women. Family of King Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King Khalid Foundation Social and economic development. Training, Research, Policy Development, Human and Organizational, Capacity Building Since the establishment in 2001, King Khalid Foundation (KKF) is the leading philanthropic institution aimed at improving social and economic development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KKF uses its resources and expertise to make a positive impact in people's lives and works in partnership with other organizations to provide innovative solutions to critical social and economic challenges in the Kingdom. Whether it funds social and economic development projects; works on the human and organizational capacity building within the nonprofit sector; provides grants to nonprofit organizations; or awards citizens, non-profit organizations and corporations for their social responsibility and contributions, KKF provides people with the support and recognition necessary to strengthen the country’s social and economic position, the Foundation has accomplished a number of development and research projects through funding social and economic development projects including training, capacity building, research, and policy development programs; and by awarding the most outstanding citizens and corporations for their contribution to the social and economic development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia
23 Marwa El-Daly, Founder Maadi Community Foundation Maadi Community Foundation plays a leading role among civil society organizations by adopting a permanent (firm) financial system and contribution paradigm. Marwa El-Daly, Founder Maadi Community Foundation Sustainability Maadi Community Foundation aims at reviving and modernizing the concept of endowment as a means for encouraging sustainable non-governmental financing and development in Egypt. Civil society's heritage in Egypt is deep-rooted and in order to begin and support development efforts that befit our time and are models for today's civil foundations we must utilize an old concept, the waqf endowment, so it is a channel to mobilize direct domestic resources towards sustainable development. Maadi Community Foundation plays a leading role among civil society organizations by adopting a permanent (firm) financial system and contribution paradigm. Egypt
24 Matthew Damon, Co-Founder Net Worth estimated of $160 million in 2019. Matthew Paige Damon is an American actor, film producer and screenwriter. Ten years ago, Matt and Gary worked independently to help break down barriers between people and access to safe water. A common goal to pioneer smart solutions to the water crisis brought them together, and their combined water and sanitation expertise and star-power have allowed to emerge as a leader in the water and sanitation sector. Matthew Damon, Co-Founder Water and Sanitation Together with the 125 partners around the world, they have helped mobilize more than $1.8 billion in capital to support small loans that bring access to safe water and sanitation to millions of people in need. That’s how every $1 we put into WaterCredit creates $59 worth of impact. Ethiopia
25 Leonardo DiCaprio, Founder Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Net Worth $245 million Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor, film producer, and environmentalist. 24-year-old DiCaprio established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998, a non-profit organization devoted to promoting environmental awareness. Although concerned with all areas of the environment, it focuses on global warming, preserving Earth's biodiversity and supporting renewable energy. Leonardo DiCaprio, Founder Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Protection and wellbeing of all Earth's inhabitants The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation is dedicated to the long-term health and wellbeing of all Earth’s inhabitants. Through collaborative partnerships and support innovative projects that protect vulnerable wildlife from extinction, while restoring balance to threatened ecosystems and communities. LDF has funded over 200 projects, in 50 countries and 5 oceans. American Samoa
26 Garry White, Founder of the Garry White Foundation In 1968 Garry, together with his older brother Peter, established what was to become one of Australia’s foremost semi-trailer manufacturing enterprises, White Transport Equipment Pty. Ltd. To all who knew him during his lifetime, it was evident Garry had a great and abiding love of and appreciation for the Australian flora, fauna, culture, and history. As his vibrant life drew to an all-too-premature close it was of great comfort to him and those closest to him to know that he was leaving an enduring legacy to help support, promote and preserve the integrity of the country he so deeply cared for. Garry White, Founder of the Garry White Foundation Education, conservation, Climate pollution and Food sovereignty. The Garry White Foundation is committed to a sustainable Australia through funding inspirational people, projects and campaigns in the areas of education, conservation, climate pollution, and food sovereignty. Australia
27 Ron Cordes, Co-Founder of Cordes Foundation Along with his wife Marty, he is co-founder of the Cordes Foundation and co-chair of the Opportunity Collaboration, a global poverty business retreat. He is also a regent of the University of the Pacific as well as chairman of the Advisory Board for the University’s Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship, and serves on the Board of FairTrade USA, MicroVest Holdings, the Sarona Frontier Markets Fund, and the East Bay Community Foundation. Ron Cordes, Co-Founder of Cordes Foundation Gender equality Annually allocate a portion of their assets to convene and build partnerships with social enterprises, and provide support to organizations working on gender equality and the economic advancement of women. With a particular focus on the global $2.4 trillion fashion industry (McKinsey 2016) and the women that make up the majority of its manufacturing workforce who are often especially vulnerable to low wage levels due to the persistent gender pay gap (Boston Consulting 2016). American Samoa
28 Irene Pritzker, President of the IDP Foundation Net worth $500 million Irene Pritzker became a founding member and President of the IDP Foundation, Inc. in 2008. It is her belief that education is the way to conquer the world’s greatest challenges, and that everyone should have equal access to education to provide hope, opportunity and economic impact on their homeland. Irene Pritzker, President of the IDP Foundation Irene Pritzker, President of the IDP Foundation The IDP Foundation is dedicated to developing and supporting programs that are sustainable and move away from aid dependent models. She believes a combination of smart philanthropy and investment solutions can be galvanized to make that future a reality. Exemplifying this goal is the IDP Rising Schools Program, a carefully crafted microfinance initiative targeting existing but very poor private schools in Ghana. After a successful pilot with 105 schools with an initial enrollment of 27,000 children, the program is scaling and has currently reached almost 600 schools and impacted 150,000 children. Ghana
29 Michael Korchinsky, Wildlife Works Mike founded Wildlife Works in 1997 with a simple but powerful idea: protecting endangered wildlife requires balancing the needs of the wildlife with the need for work in those rural towns. He established Rukinga Sanctuary on 80,000 acres of land in southeast Kenya to prove that wildlife conservation can attract sustainable development opportunities to rural communities.  Michael Korchinsky, Wildlife Works Sustainable solutions Wildlife Works' mission is to harness the power of the global consumer to create innovative and sustainable solutions for wildlife conservation. The first proven project was the wildlife reserve in Kenya, the 80,000-acre Rukinga Wildlife Sanctuary, which is now the heart of their 500,000 acre Kasigau Corridor REDD Project that protects an entire wildlife corridor between Tsavo East and West National Parks. Kenya
30 Annie Chen, Chair at RS Group Asia Net Worth $100K-&1M approximately, Annie Chen incorporates her personal values in managing her portfolio under the RS Group, an organization that seeks to maximize impact through blended value, utilizing both investment and philanthropic capital to generate positive social, environmental and financial returns. Chen believes that one of the most pressing challenges of our time is driving the planet and its inhabitants toward sustainability. She is committed to giving her time and resources towards social and environmental causes that could create positive systemic change. Believing the potential for change through social entrepreneurship, Chen hopes to enhance the development of social entrepreneurship throughout Hong Kong and Asia. Annie Chen, Chair at RS Group Asia Sustainable solutions RS Group is a family office and our focus is on sustainability. Working on the belief that it is not possible to overcome our mounting social and environmental challenges using industrial era thinking, one in which for-profit and non-profit remain the dominant economic paradigms. New, collaborative approaches to investment, business and philanthropy are needed if the world is going to build a global community where social progress and economic development occur in harmony with nature. Hong Kong
31 Niklas Adalberth, Founder Norrsken Foundation Norrsken Foundation was created in June 2016 by Klarna founder Niklas Adalberth who contributed $20 million to the launch. In December 2017 Adalberth committed an additional $62 million to Norrsken Foundation. That same year, a co-working space of 2400 square meters named Norrsken House was opened in a repurposed tram depot in Stockholm and at the end of that year, it was hosting 112 companies. Niklas Adalberth, Founder Norrsken Foundation Sustainable solutions Norrsken want to create a world that is optimised for both people and planet. They believe that entrepreneurs building rapidly scalable businesses are the best bet to solve some of the problems facing our world so are using their experience from founding and leading startups to support the best impact entrepreneurs across the world. Norrsken is an ecosystem consisting of Norrsken House, a coworking space for over 350 impact entrepreneurs in Stockholm, and their seed fund Norrsken Founders Fund which invests in companies with the potential to radically improve the world. Sweden
32 Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp, Co-Founder of Buddharaksa Foundation With a family net worth over $16.5 billion, Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp is the youngest daughter of CP chairman Dhanin Chearavanont. She is actively involved in company-sponsored charities including the Buddharaksa Foundation. A call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals. Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp, Co-Founder of Buddharaksa Foundation Sustainable Development Works through thoughtful investments with measurable and scalable social impact to foster a variety of innovative solutions for sustainable development and to inspire lives of full potential for children in need by providing the education necessary to acquire life-changing skills, knowledge, and self-confidence. Over 9,500 companies based in over 160 countries, both developed and developing, representing nearly every sector and size. Thailand
33 LeBron Raymone James, Founder Lebron James Foundation and I Promise School Net worth $450 million, LeBron Raymone James Sr. (born December 30, 1984) is an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers. Since 2005, the foundation has held an annual bike-a-then to raise money for various causes such as I Promise School. In 2015, James announced a partnership with the University of Akron to provide scholarships for as many as 2,300 children beginning in 2021. LeBron Raymone James, Founder Lebron James Foundation and I Promise School Education I Promise School (IPS) is a public elementary school in Akron, Ohio, opened in 2018, supported by the LeBron James Family Foundation, and specifically aimed at at-risk children. American Samoa
34 Warren Buffet, Founder Buffet Foundation Net worth $79.2 billion, Warren Edward Buffett (born August 30, 1930) is an American business magnate, investor, speaker and philanthropist who serves as the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett is a notable philanthropist, having pledged to give away 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes, primarily via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He founded The Giving Pledge in 2009 with Bill Gates, whereby billionaires pledge to give away at least half of their fortunes. Warren Buffet, Founder Buffet Foundation Health and Family The Buffett Foundation is a charitable organization formed 1964 in Omaha, Nebraska, by investor and industrialist Warren Buffett as a vehicle to manage his charitable giving. Of the $17.6 million that the Buffett Foundation donated in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999, nearly $3.8 million went to Planned Parenthood, among its top contributors. It also involves itself directly at the clinic level. By 2008, the Foundation had nearly $4 billion in assets. The co-founder of The Giving Pledge is a campaign to encourage people to contribute a majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes. American Samoa
35 Bill Gates, Founder of Bill and Melinda Gates William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, and humanitarian. He is best known as the principal founder of the Microsoft Corporation. Bill Gates, Founder of Bill and Melinda Gates Healthcare and Education The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) was launched in 2000 and is reported to be the largest private foundation in the world, holding $50.7 billion in assets. The primary aims of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology. The co-founder of The Giving Pledge is a campaign to encourage people to contribute a majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes. American Samoa
36 Michael Rubens Bloomberg, Founder Bloomberg Philanthropies Net worth $62.1 billion Michael Rubens Bloomberg is an American businessman, politician, author, and philanthropist. He has joined The Giving Pledge, whereby billionaires pledge to give away at least half of their wealth. To date, Bloomberg has given away $8.2 billion, including his November 2018 $1.8 billion gift to Johns Hopkins University for student aid—the largest private donation ever made to a higher education institution. Michael Rubens Bloomberg, Founder Bloomberg Philanthropies The Environment, Public health, the Arts, Government Innovation and Education Bloomberg Philanthropies has focused on combating climate change and moving toward clean energy sources. Led by epidemiologist Kelly J. Henning, the Bloomberg Philanthropies public health program has focused on reducing tobacco use through the MPOWER tobacco control strategy, making roads safer and eradicating polio, among other public health initiatives. Bloomberg Philanthropies supports efforts to make city government more efficient and innovative. In January 2013, a $16.2 million grant was awarded to five different cities to establish Financial Empowerment Centers, which were set up to provide free financial counseling for low-income individuals. Bloomberg Philanthropies focuses on driving public policy initiatives and education leadership at a local level as a means to improving America’s school system. American Samoa
37 Walton Family, Founder of Walton Foundation Net worth $179.3 billion, the Walton Family is the richest family in the world. In 1987, Sam Walton endowed a charitable foundation; it was primarily focused on charter schools, but also extended its program to include environmental issues particularly around water. Walton Family, Founder of Walton Foundation Education and Global sustainability The Walton Family Foundation work in three areas: improving K-12 education, protecting rivers and oceans and the communities they support, and investing in their home region of Northwest Arkansas and the Arkansas-Mississippi Delta. The mission of the foundation is tackling tough social and environmental problems with urgency and a long-term approach to creating access to opportunities for people and communities. While the vision is to live in a world where people can accomplish anything when they have opportunity and encouragement. American Samoa
38 George Soros, Founder of Open Society Foundations (OSF) Net worth $8.3 billion, George Soros (born 12 August 1930) is a Hungarian-American investor and philanthropist. As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to his philanthropic agency, OSF. George Soros, the founder and chair of the Open Society Foundations, began his philanthropic work in 1979, funding scholarships for black African university students in South Africa and for East European dissidents to study in the West. George Soros, Founder of Open Society Foundations (OSF) Justice, Democratic Governance, and Human Rights Under George Soros’s leadership, the Open Society Foundations support individuals and organizations across the globe fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality. Today, the Open Society Foundations support a vast array of projects in more than 120 countries, providing hundreds of grants every year through a network of national and regional foundations and offices. American Samoa
39 Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Founder Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Net worth $73.6 billion, Mark Zuckerberg is an American technology entrepreneur and philanthropist. In December 2012, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced that over the course of their lives they would give the majority of their wealth to "advancing human potential and promoting equality" in the spirit of The Giving Pledge. Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Founder Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Science, Education and Justice & Opportunity Chan Zuckerberg Initiative missions' is to find new ways to leverage technology, community-driven solutions, and collaboration to accelerate progress in Science, Education, and within our Justice & Opportunity work. American Samoa
40 Aliko Dangote, Founder Dangote Foundation Net worth $10.6 billion, Aliko Dangote (born 10 April 1957) is a Nigerian business magnate, investor, and owner of the Dangote Group, which has interests in commodities in Nigeria and other African countries. Dangote Group continues to grow its vision of becoming the leading provider of essential needs in Food and Shelter in Sub-Saharan Africa. Aliko Dangote, Founder Dangote Foundation Healthcare, Education and Economic Empowerment The Aliko Dangote Foundation (ADF) is the Philanthropic endeavor of Aliko Dangote. The main objective of the Foundation is to reduce the number of lives lost to malnutrition and disease. Combating Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in children, is at the core of their programming. Improving the outcome of children’s lives, forms the basis for the work the Foundation is engaged in, through investments in health, education, and economic empowerment to help lift people out of poverty. Nigeria
41 Mike Adenuga, Founder The Mike Adenuga Foundation Net worth $9.4 billion, Adenuga Jr, GCON (born 29 April 1953) is a Nigerian billionaire businessman and the second-richest person in Africa. To ensure a future of social and economic growth, for his beloved continent, the businessman decided to launch the Mike Adenuga Foundation, a philanthropic organization with the goal of improving Nigeria and other African countries. Mike Adenuga, Founder The Mike Adenuga Foundation Social and Economic development The Mike Adenuga Foundation is a proudly Pan African philanthropic foundation. The main mission of the organization is to help Nigeria and other African countries, where the Mike Adenuga Group of Companies are commercially active on a permanent basis, to achieve social and economic independence. The Mike Adenuga Foundation aims to contribute to an improved future for Nigerians and other African citizens. Nigeria
42 Nicky Oppenheimer, Co-Founder Brenthurst Foundation Net worth $7.4 billion, Nicholas F. Oppenheimer (born 8 June 1945) is a South African billionaire businessman and philanthropist. He was formerly the chairman of De Beers diamond mining company and of its subsidiary, the Diamond Trading Company, and former deputy chairman of Anglo American. He is the third richest African. Nicky Oppenheimer, Co-Founder Brenthurst Foundation Economic and Sustainable Development The Brenthurst Foundation is at the frontier of new ideas and innovative actions for strengthening Africa's economic performance. The Foundation was created to build on the Oppenheimer' Brenthurst Initiative of August 2003. The Initiative was designed to instigate a debate in South Africa around policy strategies to achieve higher rates of economic expansion. Today the Foundation now has a wider African focus and aims to find ways to draw the investment needed for "continental regeneration and prosperity" South Africa
43 Patrice Motsepe, Co-Founder Motsepe Foundation Net worth $2.5 billion, Patrice Tlhopane Motsepe (born 28 January 1962) is a South African mining businessman and billionaire. He is the founder and executive chairman of African Rainbow Minerals, which has interests in gold, ferrous metals, base metals, and platinum. Patrice Motsepe, Co-Founder Motsepe Foundation Education, Innovation and Economic Development The Motsepe Foundation was founded in 1999 by Mr. Patrice Motsepe and Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe. In 2013 the Motsepe family was the first on the African continent to join the Giving Pledge, started by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet. The Foundation was founded on the philosophy of ‘ubuntu’, the African concept of giving and caring for your neighbor and other members of your community. South Africa
44 Strive Masiyiwa, Founder Higherlife Foundation Net worth $3.4 billion, Strive Masiyiwa (born 29 January 1961) is a London-based Zimbabwean businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the founder and executive chairman of diversified international Telecommunications, Media and Technology group Econet Wireless. Strive Masiyiwa, Founder Higherlife Foundation Education and Health Higherlife Foundation is a philanthropic organization founded in 1996. Since inception, the foundation has been supporting orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa through education, material support and heartfelt compassion as well as their personal experiences of orphan-hood, are contemporary Africans moving the African continent forward through opportunities. Zimbabwe
45 Olajumoke Adenowo, Founder the Awesome Treasures Foundation (ATF) Olajumoke Olufunmilola Adenowo is an architect by profession. She is also an entrepreneur and philanthropist, a public speaker, radio host and author. Olajumoke Adenowo, Founder the Awesome Treasures Foundation (ATF) Good Health and Well-Being, Gender Equality and Reducing Inequality Adenowo has several philanthropic ventures. She takes pride in her Nigerian heritage and champions the potential of young Nigerians. In 1999 she founded the Awesome Treasures Foundation (ATF), a UN-recognised, faith-based NGO in Lagos, Nigeria. The foundation has a mission to raise 1000 leaders by 2030 working especially women and young people. The majority of her foundation's programming focuses on disadvantaged women and children. ATF runs Camp Dawn, an educational camp, to address the education gap for inner-city kids. It also manages Awesome Princesses, caring for young girls from the slums of Lagos who are at risk of sexual abuse and HIV/AIDS, supplying medical screenings and educational intervention. Awesome Treasures closely mentors women for transnational leadership and entrepreneurship through vocational training, business classes and leadership training that takes place across Nigeria. In its first 15 years, 70,000 people have attended ATF leadership summits. Nigeria
46 Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Founder LEAP Africa Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, MFR is a Co-Founder of Sahel Consulting and serves as its managing partner. She has 23 years of experience in international development, and through her work with Sahel has shaped agriculture strategy and policy in West Africa for a range of clients in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. She is the founder of LEAP Africa which works across Africa inspiring, empowering and equipping the next generation of dynamic, principled and innovative young leaders. Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Founder LEAP Africa Innovative Young Leader LEAP Africa is a youth-focused leadership development nonprofit organization with a mission to inspire, empower and equip a new cadre of leaders with skills and tools for personal, organization and community transformation. Its interventions for youth, bridge gaps for effective leadership, education, employability, entrepreneurship and awakens civic participation in citizens to demand good governance or creatively address social issues. Nigeria
47 Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Founder Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation Net worth $18 billion, Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (born 7 September 1948; referred to as Sheikh Khalifa) is the current President of the United Arab Emirates, the Emir of Abu Dhabi, the Supreme Commander of the Union Defence Force and the chairman of the Supreme Petroleum Council. Sheikh Khalifa is also chairman of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, which manages $875 billion in assets, the largest amount managed by a nation's head of state in the world. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Founder Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation Healthcare and Education The Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation was established by Law No. 20 in July 2007, issued by his Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, may God save and bless him. The vision of the Foundation is “Pioneering Initiatives for Welfare” and its strategies are focused on health and education on domestic, regional and global scales. The educational strategy of the Foundation includes supporting vocational educational projects in countries of the region, health needs related to malnutrition, child protection, and care and the provision of safe water on a global level.  United Arab Emirates
48 Alicia Keys, Co-founder Keep a Child Alive Net worth $70 million, Alicia Augello Cook (born January 25, 1981), known professionally as Alicia Keys, is an American musician, singer, and songwriter. Keys is the co-founder and Global Ambassador of Keep a Child Alive, a non-profit organization that provides medicine, orphan care, and social support to families with HIV and AIDS in Africa and India. Alicia Keys, Co-founder Keep a Child Alive Healthcare Keep a Child Alive (KCA) is a nonprofit organization that provides healthcare, housing, and other support services to HIV/AIDS-affected communities in Africa and India. Co-founded by Leigh Blake and Alicia Keys, the organization aims to "realize the end of AIDS for children and families, by combating the physical, social and economic impacts of HIV." Keep a Child Alive organizes the annual Black Ball, a fundraiser gala, established in 2004, where celebrities and philanthropists gather to support and raise awareness for the cause. Since the first Black Ball, the organization has raised over $28.7 million for HIV/AIDS treatment. Kenya
49 Li Ka-Shing, Founder Li Ka Shing Foundation Net worth estimated $31 billion, Li Ka Shing (born 13 June 1928) is a Hong Kong business magnate, investor. Li is also regarded as one of Asia's most generous philanthropists, donating billions of dollars to charity and other various philanthropic causes, and owning the second-largest private foundation in the world after Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Li was often referred to as "Superman Li" in Hong Kong because of his business prowess. Li Ka-Shing, Founder Li Ka Shing Foundation Education and Healthcare The Li Ka Shing Foundation is a Hong Kong-based charitable organization. It is the second-largest private foundation led by a wealthy individual in the world, after the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Li Ka Shing Foundation supports projects that promote social progress through expanding access to quality education and medical services and research, encouraging cultural diversity and community involvement. Every project and every donation stems from Li Ka-Shing's belief in the inherent value of each human life, regardless of race, class, or circumstance. He has devoted himself to helping others overcome the educational and physical barriers preventing them from achieving their potential. Hong Kong
50 Azim Premji, Founder Azim Premji Foundation Net worth estimated $4.7 billion, Azim Premji (born 24 July 1945) is an Indian business tycoon, investor, engineer, and philanthropist, who is the chairman of Wipro Limited. In 2001, he founded Azim Premji Foundation, a non-profit organization. In December 2010, he pledged to donate US$2 billion for improving school education in India. This has been done by transferring 213 million equity shares of Wipro Ltd, held by a few entities controlled by him, to the Azim Premji Trust. Azim Premji, Founder Azim Premji Foundation Education & Sustainable Society Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that has been working since 2000 with the elementary education system in rural government schools. The primary goal of the Foundation is to contribute to a society that is “a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society” as envisaged in the Constitution of India. Towards this goal, we have identified education as a critical area that has a direct impact on the economic, social and cultural development of the nation. India
51 Chuck Feeney, Founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies Charles Francis 'Chunk' Feeney (born 23 April 1931) is an Irish-American businessman and philanthropist and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private foundations in the world. He made his fortune as a co-founder of the Duty Free Shoppers Group, which pioneered the concept of duty-free shopping. Over the course of his life, Feeney has given away more than $8 billion. Feeney is known for his frugality, living in a rented apartment, not owning a car or a house, and flying economy class. Chuck Feeney, Founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies Aging, Youth, Human Rights, Poverty, Progressive Advocacy In 1982, Feeney created The Atlantic Philanthropies, and in 1984, secretly transferred his entire 38.75% stake in DFS, then worth about $500 million, to the foundation. Not even his business partners knew that he no longer personally owned any part of DFS. For years, Atlantic gave away money in secret, requiring recipients to not reveal the sources of their donations. "Beyond Mr. Feeney's reticence about blowing his own horn, 'it was also a way to leverage more donations–-some other individual might contribute to get the naming rights. Australia
52 Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal & Princess Ameerah, Founder of the Al Waleed bin Talal Foundation Net worth estimated $15.2 billion, Price Talal (born 7 March 1955) is a Saudi businessman, investor and a member of the Saudi royal family. He is the founder, chief executive officer and 95 percent owner of the Kingdom Holding Company, a Forbes Global 2000 company with investment in companies in different sectors. Founder of the Al Waleed bin Talal Foundation with a mission to help alleviate suffering and transcend international borders globally. The foundation has established centers and programs at institutions of higher education around the world. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal & Princess Ameerah, Founder of the Al Waleed bin Talal Foundation Education, Poverty and Society Alwaleed Philanthropies supports and initiates projects around the world, regardless of gender, race or religion and collaborates with a range of philanthropic, governmental and educational organizations to combat poverty, empower women and the youth, develop communities, provide disaster relief and create cultural understanding through education. Alwaleed Philanthropies consists of three philanthropic organizations: Alwaleed Philanthropies Global, focusing on philanthropic and humanitarian projects around the world, Alwaleed Philanthropies Lebanon, which is focused on the social and community needs of Lebanon, and Alwaleed Philanthropies Saudi Arabia, which focuses on the needs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia
53 Yassin Abdullah Kadi, Founder Muwafaq Foundation Net worth estimated $65 million in 2015, Yassin Abdullah Kadi (born 23 February 1955) is a Saudi Arabian businessman who has been described by friends and associates as a philanthropist. A multi-millionaire from Jeddah, Kadi trained as an architect in Chicago, Illinois. Yassin Abdullah Kadi, Founder Muwafaq Foundation Education and Famine relief In May 1992, Kadi created the Muwafaq Foundation, an Islamic charity incorporated for the stated purpose of providing famine relief and education in the Islamic world, particularly Pakistan. The charity was incorporated as a trust on the island of Jersey an off-shore tax haven located near the coast of Normandy, France. Kadi personally donated about $15 to $20 million from his fortune and solicited donations from bin Mahfouz and other wealthy Saudi families. Bin Mahfouz became a principal donor but later said that he was not involved in the operation of the charity after its establishment. Jersey
54 Wafic Said, Co-founder Karim Rida Said Foundation Mr Wafic Saïd co-founded the Karim Rida Said Foundation, now known as the Saïd Foundation, in 1982. Alongside his business career, Wafic Saïd maintains interests in many trusts and non-profit organizations.  Mr Wafic Saïd is also the Benefactor and founding trustee of the Saïd Business School Foundation, formed to build Oxford University's business school and to support its pursuit of excellence. The Saïd Business School, established in 1996, is now among the leading business schools in the world.  Wafic Said, Co-founder Karim Rida Said Foundation Education Since 1982, the Foundation has provided educational opportunities to talented young people and enhanced the capabilities of those working to relieve need and overcome disadvantages in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and the UK. They believe in the power of education to transform lives, communities, and societies for the better and in the value of building bridges across cultures. Saudi Arabia
55 Arvind Narula, Chairman of Urmatt Group Urmatt is Thailand’s largest and most integrated organic crops and foods group dedicated to inclusive business that empowers economically challenged farming communities. Founded by Chairman Arvind Narula in 1982, organic operations began in 1999 with produce shipped to all major regions of the world. Two decades later, it has become the largest producer of organic Jasmine rice in the world. Arvind Narula, Chairman of Urmatt Group Agriculture Long before the advent and mainstreaming of official impact investing, Narula developed a moral platform and wanted to work with like-minded people to find opportunities no one else was doing for profit. After visiting farmers, he realised they can also benefit using the same platform. With sales growth greater than 20% per annum, Narula self-funded the projects until 2014 before accepting funds from impact investors, to help scale up the business and help even more people. There were around 3,000 farmers who joined the rice project and they earned at least 20% higher than those who were not in the project. Urmatt operates a contract farming scheme that works with the poorest farmers and guarantees them training, education and a better return. Urmatt also provides other kinds of support to communities at no cost, which includes solar lighting to villages with no electricity, water pumps, temple repairs, and equipment. One touching example of Narula’s leadership in the field is the business partnership to produce eggs with the remote hilltop tribes. The idea behind this is to produce organic food in a way that is good for the land and the families by working with rural farmers in underdeveloped areas. The partnership also ensures that the land is farmed in a respectful and sustainable manner while the rural farmers receive their fair share in the sales. By transferring knowledge of organic agriculture and growing the skill sets of the farmers and their families, The Hilltop Tribe project aims to at least double family income and create real and lasting social change and development within the tribes. The project has been audited by the HEC University of Paris, and it received high ratings. The MBA students lived with the farmers for several weeks to fully understand the impact. Thailand
56 Terry Snow, Executive Chairman, Capital Airport Group Net worth: $1.2 billion Terry Snow is an Australian businessman (trained accountant), entrepreneur, and philanthropist based in Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory. Snow worked as a property developer in the 1980s with his father, Bob, and brother George. Currently, Snow is Executive Chairman of the Capital Airport Group, the company which leases mainly land for park, shopping centre, and airforce base. Snow is responsible for a $250 million development of a new terminal for Canberra Airport which won an interior design award and welcomed the first two international air carriers to Canberra; Singapore Airlines and Qatar Airways in 2017 and 2018 respectively. Additionally, the National Portrait Gallery commissioned his portrait in recognition of the contribution Snow has made to the growth of Canberra city and his work as a philanthropist. Terry Snow, Executive Chairman, Capital Airport Group Humanitarian The Snow Foundation is the creation of brothers Terry Snow and George Snow who established the foundation in 1991 to benefit the disadvantaged community in Canberra and beyond to enable individuals and organisations to introduce positive change.In the 26 years since it was established, The Snow Foundation has reached out to assist 264 different organisations and over 243 individuals, providing $20 million in funding which includes $614,726 to individuals. The annual giving in 2016/17 amounted to $2.1 million, incorporating 30 new grants, 59 ongoing grants and 43 individuals. Australia
57 James D Wolfensohn, Former President, World Bank andFounder, Wolfensohn Center for Development Net worth : $100 million an Australian American lawyer, investment banker and economist who served as the ninth president of the World Bank Group, nominated by Bill Clinton. He is the first World Bank president to be concerned about problem of corruption in the area of development financing. Since 2006, Wolfensohn has also been the chairman of the International Advisory Board of Citigroup. In 2009, he became a member of the International Advisory Council of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation. Currently, He is a member of both the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and the American Philosophical Society. James D Wolfensohn, Former President, World Bank andFounder, Wolfensohn Center for Development Humanitarian Six primary research streams of the Wolfensohn Centers work are : the shifting structure of the world economy in the twenty-first century; the challenge of scaling up the impact of development interventions; the effectiveness of development assistance; how to promote economic and social inclusion for Middle Eastern youth; the case for investing in early child development; and the need for global governance reform. In each chapter, a scholar associated with the particular research topic provides an overview of the issue and its broader context, then describes the Centers work on the topic and the subsequent influence and impact of these efforts. Australia
58 Jorge Paulo Lemann, Co-Founder,3G Capital Net Worth: $29.7 billion Behind some of America's most iconic consumer brands, Jorge Paulo Lemann is a Swiss- Brazilian Banker who obtained is bachelors in economics from Harvard University. Wearing mutiple hats of Journalism, sports and an entrapreneur who found Bank Garantia, the Brazilian equivalent of Goldman Sachs. He is an Independent Director at The Kraft Heinz Co., Founder at Gera Venture Capital Participacoes SA, a Co-Founder at 3G Capital Partners LP (New York) and additionally serves as an Independent Director at InBev. Jorge Paulo Lemann, Co-Founder,3G Capital Education The Lemann Foundation, a non-profit family organization founded in 2002 by Jorge Paulo Lemann, works to ensure that all Brazilian children have quality public education and to create a network of talented people dedicated to solving social problems in Brazil. To achieve this goal, we develop programs that impact millions of public school students throughout Brazil and support institutions of excellence that work for a fairer and more developed country. Brazil
59 José Roberto Marinho, President, Roberto Marinho Foundation andVice-President, Grupo Globo Net Worth: $2.3 billion José Roberto Marinho is a Brazilian businessman and one of the three sons of the deceased communications tycoon Roberto Marinho (1904-2003). José Roberto is the president of Roberto Marinho Foundation and Vice President of Social Responsibility and Director of Grupo Globo, Brazil's largest media group. The company owns a group of terrestrial television broadcasters; journalism companies; internet businesses; cable TV programming businesses; magazine publishing and musical businesses among others. He is also member of the Governance Comittee of Together for Sustained Development Community, and Consultive Council of WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)-Brazil José Roberto Marinho, President, Roberto Marinho Foundation andVice-President, Grupo Globo Education The Roberto Marinho Foundation works in partnership with businesses, foundations, institutes, non-governmental organizations and governments, in the development and implementation of their actions. It connects people, institutions, networks and ideas, to enable innovative education projects across the country. It's main actions include the implementation of educational projects; development of learning methodologies; teachers training; educational TV programming, distribution and airing; environmental education; professional education; creation and production of museums and exhibits; science and public management awards and cultural events. Brazil
60 He Qiaonv, Chairwoman,Orient Landscape Net worth: $1.8 billion He Qiaonv is the founder and chairwoman of Beijing Orient Landscape, one of Asia's largest landscape architecture companies. She is a Chinese businesswoman and founder of Beijing Orient Landscape & Environment Co Ltd, one of Asia's largest landscape architecture companies. In 2015, she established the China Global Philanthropy Institute with Bill Gates and Ray Dalio (CIO of Bridgewaters, largest hedge fund in the world) in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. She is most well known in biggest personal commitment for wildlife conservation amounting $1.5 billion in October 2017. He Qiaonv, Chairwoman,Orient Landscape Environment andWildlife The investment from the Beijing Qiaonv Foundation will support efforts to protect Chinese snow leopards and other big cats in China and around the world a significant commitment to a cause that has received less attention in Asia than it has in other regions China
61 He Xiangjian, Co-founder, Midea Group Net worth: $17.7 billion He Xiang Jian is one of the richest Chinese and the Co-founder of Midea Group, one of China's largest appliance makers. He initially led a group of 23 local residents of the small town in Guangdong Province to form a lid production workshop that became Midea. With an initial amount of only $780, its humble begining, the company has grown into a Billion Dollars Company, following the success of plastic bottle lid business. Then, he moved into furnished goods and then into electrical appliances. The Midea Group has acquired 80% stake in home appliances arm of Toshiba in a cash deal valued at $500 million. The group also increased its stake to 95% in Kuka, a robot firm based in Germany in a deal valued at $4 billion. He has also donated his fortune for several causes ranging from disaster relief to community development and education. He Xiangjian, Co-founder, Midea Group Entrepreneurship donation of 300 to 500m RMB on Shunde Foundation. The project is to help young entrepreneurs to starup companies and support innovation China
62 Pan Shiyi, Chairman, SOHO China Net worth: $111 million Pan Shiyi is a Chinese businessman. Presently, he is the Chairman of SOHO China. He co-founded SOHO China with his wife Zhang Xin in 1995. SOHO China is well known for pushing the architectural envelope in Beijing by hiring high-profile foreign architects to design their apartment buildings. Unlike other traditional Chinese businessmen, Pan Shiyi often makes his presence felt on TV, internet, newspapers, even in film named "Aspirin". A star in the business world coupled by his fame in the entertainment circle. He also writes his own blog on, China's leading internet portal in 2005. In 18 months, his blog had joined the top six among sina's 1 million bloggers, luring 34 million hits. Pan Shiyi, Chairman, SOHO China Education The SOHO China Scholarships mission is to connect China's outstanding students, with financial need, to the best education the world has to offer. The SOHO China Scholarships also actively raises public awareness about need-blind admissions policies at top international universities and encourages the best Chinese students to apply. Beyond endowing the scholarships at each partner school, the SOHO China Scholarships works directly with scholarship recipients to nurture their educational and professional aspirations. China
63 Wang Zhentao, Chairman and Founder, Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co. Ltd. Net Worth: $885million Wang Zhentao chairs Zhejiang AoKang Shoes. AoKang Shoes invested $32 million, for a 9.9% stake in Wenzhou Minshang Bank which started operation on March 26. Besides shoes, Wang also has interests in property development and finance. He holds an EMBA from HEC Paris. Wang was forced to drop out of high school at the age of 17 as his family was not able to support his studies financially. Then, he was involved in furniture business at his early career until he started a small shoe retail business, where he gained valuable experience and lesson to build it to multinational giants. Beside poverty alleviation, he had helped in educational cause, funding more than 1,000 university students to finish their studies. Wang Zhentao, Chairman and Founder, Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co. Ltd. Poverty alleviation Wang Zhentao Charity Foundation is founded by Wang Zhentao in 2007. The foundation aims at helping the poor and contributing to charity in China. It funds poor student to finish their study and find a job smoothly. Moreover, those who were helped shoiuld come back and support another poor student after work, which makes the foundation a "seed foundation". The number of students who benefit from the foundation is believed to increase rapidly. China
64 Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, Singer, Songwriter, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Founder, Barefoot Foundation "Net Worth : $220 million She emerged in the music scene of Colombia and Latin America in the early 1990s. She is the highest-selling Colombian artist of all time, and the second most successful female Latin singer behind Gloria Estefan. She has won 2 Grammy Awards, 8 Latin Grammy Awards. President Barack Obama appointed Shakira to the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics in his presidency era" Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, Singer, Songwriter, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Founder, Barefoot Foundation Humanitarian, Education Currently, the Barefoot Foundation supports six schools run by Pies Descalzos Foundation, in the diverse Colombian regions of Barranquilla, Altos de Cazucá and Quibdó.More than 5,000 children receive nutritious meals, education and psychological support services from our schools, ultimately benefiting 30,000 vulnerable children, their family and community members, all who have been affected by population displacement. It also works in Haiti and South Africa. Colombia
65 Mohamed Mansour, Founder and Chairman, Mansour Automotive Company Net Worth $2.7 billion Mohamed Mansour oversees family conglomerate Mansour Group, which was founded by his father Loutfy. Mansour established General Motors dealerships in Egypt, becoming one of GM's biggest distributors in the world. Mansour Group also has exclusive distribution rights for Caterpillar equipment. He was Minister of Transportation under the Hosni Mubarak regime. His brothers, Yasseen and Youssef, are also billionaires. Mohamed Mansour, Founder and Chairman, Mansour Automotive Company Entrepreneurship The Lead Foundation focuses on reaching out directly to vulnerable segments of society most in need of empowerment: low-income entrepreneurs and women. The foundation has provided over 1.3 million loans to small businesses and underprivileged women in Egypt and successfully reaches out to and provides for its target groups. Egypt
66 Mohamed Al Fayed, Owner, Hotel Ritz Paris Net Worth $1.6 billion Mohamed Al-Fayed?, Egyptian Arabic pronunciation: born 27 January 1929) is an Egyptian business magnate. Fayed's business interests include ownership of Hôtel Ritz Paris and formerly Harrods Department Store, Knightsbridge. Fayed and his brothers founded a shipping company in Egypt before moving its headquarters to Italy with additional offices in London. During his early career, Fayed met the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum who entrusted Fayed with helping transform Dubai, where he set up IMS (International Marine Services) in 1968. Prior to that, he also became financial adviser for Sultan of Brunei Omar Ali Saifuddien III Mohamed Al Fayed, Owner, Hotel Ritz Paris Healthcare Education The foundation's work focuses on improving the lives of traumatised, impoverished and very sick children. It extends from supporting world-renowned children’s hospitals, to children’s hospices, schools and individuals. Egypt
67 Fred Swaniker, Co-founder,African Leadership Academy Net Worth: $2.5 billion (2011) Fred Swaniker is a Ghanaian serial entrepreneur and leadership development expert. He has launched four organizations that aim to develop leaders, primarily in Africa. He is the chairman and founder of the African Leadership Academy, an institution located outside Johannesburg in South Africa. He is also the founder of African Leadership Network Fred Swaniker, Co-founder,African Leadership Academy Education African Leadership Academy seeks to transform Africa by developing a powerful network of over 6,000 leaders who will work together to address Africa's greatest challenges, achieve extraordinary social impact, and accelerate the continent's growth trajectory. Ghana
68 Chen Yidan, Honorary Adviser Tencent Holding Ltd. Net worth: $3.5billion Chen Yidan, also known as Charles Chen, is a Chinese internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of Tencent, founder of the Chen Yidan Charity Foundation and founder of the Yidan Prize Foundation. He previously served as Tencent's chief administrative officer (CAO) before he began leading the company's newly established Tencent Charity Foundation In March 2013, Chen stepped down as Tencent's CAO but he continued to be involved with the company as an advisor and as sponsor and honorary chairman of the Tencent Charity Foundation. Due to his notable action in philantrophist, in June 2017, he was the top entrant for China in Forbes' Asia's Philanthropy Heroes list. Chen Yidan, Honorary Adviser Tencent Holding Ltd. Education Founded in 2016 by Charles Chen Yidan, Yidan Prize has a mission to create a better world through education. Yidan Prize consists of two awards: Yidan Prize for Education Research and Yidan Prize for Education Development. Yidan Prize Laureate receives a gold medal and a total sum of HK$30 million (around $3.9 million) including a cash prize of HK$15 million (around $1.9 million) and a project fund of HK$15 million. Hong Kong
69 Robert Ho Hung Ngai, Founder and Chairman,Robert H N Ho Family Foundation Net Worth: NA Born in Hong Kong, Mr. Robert H. N. Ho is the grandson of Sir Robert Ho Tung and Lady Clara Ho Tung and the son of General Ho Shai Lai and Hesta Ho Hung Ki Fun. He was educated at Lingnan and Pui Ching Middle Schools and obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree from Colgate University, and his Master of Science in Journalism from the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University in the United States. Mr. Ho spent his business career in journalism and in managing his famil's property and other investments. Since his retirement, he has concentrated on philanthropic activities. One of the beneficiaries of Mr. Ho's philanthropy was his alma mater Colgate University, where his gift enabled the establishment of the Robert H. N. Ho Interdisciplinary Science Center. Robert Ho Hung Ngai, Founder and Chairman,Robert H N Ho Family Foundation ArtReligion Established in 2005 by Mr. Robert H. N. Ho, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation is a private philanthropic organization based in Hong Kong. The Foundation's dual mission is to foster an appreciation of Chinese arts and culture to advance global learning and to cultivate a deeper understanding of Buddhism in the context of contemporary life. Hong Kong
70 Eric Xu Yong, Co-Founder, Baidu Net Worth: $15. 3 billion Eric Xu Yong is a Chinese entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, best known as a co-founder of Baidu, the largest Chinese search engine. Xu is the founder and chairman of Yifang Capital, an investment holding company engaged in venture capital investments and asset management activities. He also founded several family philanthropic organizations including The Xu Family Charitable Foundation Limited, Yifang Foundation, and Zhengyu Education Foundation. Eric Xu Yong, Co-Founder, Baidu Humanitarian The Foundation was founded in July 2012, is a non-public grant-making foundation registered in Hong Kong, China, with initial funding of $22 million. The Foundation subsidizes public welfare programs and non-governmental public welfare organizations which are in line with social welfare, promote social justice or conductive to social development. The Founder Dr. Xu Yong, founded the Foundation on the basis of practicing corporate social responsibility. Dr. Xu is dedicated to promoting development of social welfare charity in a professional and in-depth manner, supporting public philanthropy, and promoting the development of positive and sustainable welfare organizations as well as projects. Hong Kong
71 James Chen, Chairman of Wahum Group Holdings and chair of the Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation James is the founder of Clearly, which advocates for universal access to eye care. He is the founder of Vision for a Nation, co-founder of Adlens, CEO of Legacy Advisors, chairman of Wahum Group Holdings and chair of the Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation. James Chen, Chairman of Wahum Group Holdings and chair of the Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation Good Health and Well-Being and Quality Education The Foundation, based in Hong Kong, was formed in 2003 to continue the philanthropic efforts of James’ late father, Robert Yet-Sen Chen . With a strategic focus on early childhood literacy, library development and educational enhancement, the Foundation's work reflects the shared interests of the family members who run it to this day. Operating a hybrid model, the Foundation works closely with its grantees, while also running its own special programmes that cover reading and library development, NGO capacity building, research and incubation. The majority of these projects operate in Mainland China, but activity also extends to Hong Kong and Ghana. Hong Kong
72 Neil Shen, Founding Managing Partner; Sequoia Capital China Net worth: $1.1 billion Neil Shen, founding and managing partner of Sequoia China and a prominent supporter of Yale SOM, is the top venture capital investor on earth. Shen is a member of the Yale SOM Board of Advisors and the chair of the advisory committee of Yale Center Beijing. Under Shen’s leadership, Sequoia China made early investments in the mobile internet field a decade ago, becoming one of the major investors of Toutiao, Meituan-Dianping, and Didi which are among the top 10 companies driving the 2018 Midas List. Neil Shen, Founding Managing Partner; Sequoia Capital China Education and Health The fund will operate under the Yale Centre Beijing to help train children ages 3 to 6 years in emotional intelligence.2016, he donated $7.3 million to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he had earned his undergraduate degree before heading to Yale for a master's, to set up a medical-research fund. Hong Kong
73 Azim Premji, Chairman,Wipro Limited Net worth: $19.5 billion Azim Premji is an Indian business tycoon, investor, and philanthropist, who is the chairman of Wipro Limited. He is informally known as the Czar of the Indian IT Industry. He was responsible for guiding Wipro through four decades of diversification and growth to finally emerge as one of the global leaders in the software industry. He is currently the second richest person in India. Azim Premji, Chairman,Wipro Limited Humanitarian Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for profit organisation that has been working since 2000 with the elementary education system in rural government schools. The Foundation began by implementing various programmes to improve educational quality across the country. By 2010 however it became clear that working on a project mode was inadequate and it takes continuous effort over many decades for any deep-rooted change to happen.Today, the Foundation with 1000+ employees has field institutes in 40+ districts across 6 states and 1 union territory (Karnataka, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana and Puducherry) reaching more than 3,50,000 schools across the country. India
74 Anand Mahindra, Chairman Mahindra Group Net worth: $ 2billion Anand Mahindra is the chairman of Mahindra Group, a Mumbai-based business conglomerate.The group operates in aerospace, agribusiness, aftermarket, automotive, components, construction equipment, defence, energy, farm equipment, finance and insurance, industrial equipment, information technology, leisure and hospitality, logistics, real estate and retail. Anand Mahindra, Chairman Mahindra Group Health Education Agriculture Naandi Foundation has spawned three for-profit social businesses. The first is a joint venture with danone.communities to set up low-cost drinking-water plants across the country, serving more than 700,000 customers. His second, in partnership with the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, offers afterschool support to students in city slums through a tech platform. The third, Araku, works with tribal farmers by connecting them to global markets. It has helped farmers convert wasteland into plantations producing premium coffee. India
75 Vineet Nayar, Former CEO, HCL Technologies and Anupama Nayar, Founders, Sampark Foundation Net worth: $5.5billion Vineet Nayar is an Indian business executive, author and philanthropist. He is the former Chief Executive Officer of HCL Technologies which has $19 billion market cap, author of "Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down (Harvard Business Press, June 2010). which has sold 100,000+ copies. During his tenure as CEO, he managed to grow revenues and market cap by six times which led HCL to win awards for the Most Democratic workplace in the world, Workforce Management Optimas Award for HR Innovation in US, Britain's Top Employers, Best Employer in Asia among others. In addition, he is included amongst Foreign Policy Magazine's Global Thinkers List and Forbes 48 Heroes of Philantrophy in 2016 Vineet Nayar, Former CEO, HCL Technologies and Anupama Nayar, Founders, Sampark Foundation Education Sampark Foundation is one of the world's largest primary school transformation initiatives by a Foundation. The foundation tries to change the scene of education in India frugal innovation in the critical domain of teaching practices, tools and methodologies, thus fostering their holistic development, and therefore, enabling them adequately to contribute towards the progress of humankind. India
76 Ratan Tata, Former Chairman Tata Sons Net Worth : $1 billion Graduated from Harvard Business School from poor family, Ratan Tata had given approx. 60%-65% of earned wealth from Tata Group in a form of education, medicine, and rural development. He is also the receiver of two of highest civilian awards by Indian government. He began his career on the shop floor of Tata Steel, shoveling limestone and handling the blast furnace. During the 21 years he led the Tata Group, revenues grew over 40 times, and profit over 50 times. He successfully managed numerous M&As such as Tata Tea acquiring Tetley, Tata Motors acquiring Jaguar Land Rover and Tata Steel acquiring Corus. All this turned Tata from a largely India-centric group into a global business, with over 65% revenues coming from operations and sales in over 100 countries Ratan Tata, Former Chairman Tata Sons Education ITE is a pedagogical framework to improve teaching and learning processes. It fosters 21st century skills and quality learning through projects in middle school children and adolescents in some of the most underprivileged geographies (91% rural). Students, mostly first-time computer users, create learning artifacts like weather charts and comparative charts on jute production or population density to deepen their learning of the subject matter. Currently, it served in 8 states, 209 schools & 25 learning centres, impacted over 26000 students and 2500 teachers India
77 Nita Ambani, Chairperson and Founder, Reliance Foundation and Non-Executive Director, Reliance Industries Net Worth : $960 million Nita Ambani runs Reliance Foundation. The Foundation is an Indian philanthropic initiative which was founded in 2010 by Nita Ambani. It is affiliated with Reliance Industries Limited and is one of the largest private foundations in the country. Foundation's initiatives especially in the areas of education, sports, healthcare, rural transformation, urban renewal, disaster response, women's empowerment and promotion of the arts and preservation of India's rich cultural heritage have been noticed by many. Reliance Foundation is in the forefront of disaster management, relief & rescue operations and rehabilitation efforts during natural calamities in various parts of India including Gujarat, Chennai and Kashmir floods, Kedarnath tragedy, Marathwada drought etc. Nita Ambani, Chairperson and Founder, Reliance Foundation and Non-Executive Director, Reliance Industries Humanitarian Bridge the development gap between rural and urban India. Committed to rural transformation, the programme works with small and marginal farmers and helps farming households that have limited livelihood options. RF BIJ has engaged directly with more than 62,000 families in more than 500 villages across 12 Indian states. RF BIJ has established the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture in Mouda, Nagpur. The RF BIJ programme management system is ISO 9001:2015 compliant India
78 Steve Hardgrave, Co-founder/CEO, Varthana Net Worth: NA Steve Hardgrave is the co-founder and CEO of Varthana, a company dedicated to improving education for low and middle income families by providing financing and support to Affordable Private Schools in India. Prior to launching Varthana, Steve worked as an investor at Omidyar Network and Gray Ghost Ventures, helping to develop and execute sector-based investment strategies around access to capital and affordable private schools. Steve Hardgrave, Co-founder/CEO, Varthana Education Funding Varthana offers loans for infrastructure projects to affordable private schools in India and aims to expand access to and improve the quality of education in the country. Many schools utilize Varthana loans to renovate or expand infrastructure, such as the addition of a new library, playground, or lab. Other schools invest in teacher training programs, didactic materials, or improved learning solutions India
79 Shiv Nadar, Founder and Chairman, HCL Technologies Limited Net Worth: $ 13.9 billion Been presented with Padma Bhushan in 2008, the third highest civilian honor in India for his great contributions to the field of Information Technology. He is the founder of Hindustan Computers Limited (HCL) and Shiv Nadar Foundation, he was instrumental in implementing and managing the infrastructure backbone of one of India’s tallest financial institutions – the National Stock Exchange. Through his organisation, he has played a key role in supporting India’s telecom revolution through the creation of the largest mobile distribution network with Nokia. HCL Technologies, which spun out of HCL’s R&D unit, is currently a top IT services company in India and a global leader in Engineering & R&D Services with a game changing business model. In 1994, he along with his wife established what he believed was closest to his heart - the philanthropic Shiv Nadar Foundation. Shiv Nadar, Founder and Chairman, HCL Technologies Limited Education The Shiv Nadar Foundation was established in 1994 by Shiv Nadar. The Foundation is committed to the creation of a more equitable, merit-based society by empowering individuals through transformational education to bridge the socio-economic divide. To that purpose the Foundation has established institutions and programs in the underdeveloped disciplinary areas in India related to rural and urban education and art. The foundation pursues philosophy of 'Creative Philanthropy', a powerful which envisages creation of institutions that go beyond the lifetime of its founders and continue to impact future generations for many centuries to come. India
80 Michael Bambang Hartono & Robert Budi Hartono, Managing Director, Co-Founders, Djarum Foundation Net Worth : $32.3 Billion Djarum is the 3rd world biggest clove cigarette producer. Djarum has reportedly grabbed shares from the number two cigarette firm. Together with his brother, Michael Hartono, at the age of 22. they inherited Djarum from his father. But, Djarum was a small business at that time called Djarum gramophon which was unstable due to fire just burnt down its factory. Slowly but surely, they revived the company, modernized the equipment, began to export, grew the brand presence. They also have a stake in BCA Bank, which won the best retail bank from The Asian Banker. BCA Bank is a bank focus on retail, with the biggest market cap in Indonesia and 2nd in ASEAN after DBS. Michael Bambang Hartono & Robert Budi Hartono, Managing Director, Co-Founders, Djarum Foundation Humanitarian Scholarship and dedicatedathlete development program, coaching clinic to rural areas, Supporting badminton related world championship 5000 athletes fully sponsored until 2017. World's no 1 Mixed Double (Tantowi Ahmad/Lilyana Natsir) and one of World's no 1 Men's double (Kevin Sukamuljo) are from Djarum Foundation. Indonesia
81 Dato' Sri Tahir, Founder of Mayapada Group and Co-Chair, Tahir Foundation Net Worth : $3.4 Billion Dato’ Sri Prof. Dr. Tahir, founder of Mayapada Group and well-known Indonesian philanthropist, The son of a shop-keeper from Surbaya, Tahir began his career in the imports business, first in luxury goods from Singapore and Hong Kong, and later in foodstuffs. He describes the challenges of identifying and establishing relationships with global suppliers, as well as the difficulties he faced finding a market for his imports in Indonesia at a time when consumerism was just beginning. Tahir is equally well-known for his philanthropy and his notion that “to give is to gain.” He has given over $100 million towards global prevention of HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis, and was also the first Indonesian to visit a refugee camp in Jordan in 2014 Dato' Sri Tahir, Founder of Mayapada Group and Co-Chair, Tahir Foundation Humanitarian Collaborate with UN refugee center (UNHCR)to provide cash assistance program for education and shelter covering 2 million refugees, and 10000 jackets for winter. He is the first Asian to work with UNHCR. The Fondation also contributes in bridging the gaps in health services, increasing capacity of effective organizations and programs, and fostering innovative solutions to persistent healthcare access problems and supporting educational institutes to nurture brightest talent in Indonesia. Indonesia
82 Akio Nitori, Chairman, Nitori Holdings Net worth: $4.1billion Native of Hokkaido, Japan born in 1944. Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Hokkai-Gakuen University in 1966. Nitori established Nitori Furniture Store in Hokkaido in December 1967, providing low cost furniture and home furnishings for the mass market, where most of its goods were imported from Southeast Asia and China. Nitori opened his second store in 1972, and his business continued to expand across Japan in the following decades. Akio Nitori, Chairman, Nitori Holdings Education The main goal was to help graduate students from around Asia to attend Japan's top universities. In 2014 the foundation, which holds a 3.5% stake in Nitori worth more than $660 million, started making grants to colleges in the U.S., Taiwan and Vietnam for scholarships. Japan
83 Yusaku Maezawa, President/FounderSTART TODAY CO., LTD. Yusaku Maezawa (?? ??) is a Japanese billionaire, entrepreneur, and art collector. He founded Start Today in 1998 and launched the online fashion retail website Zozotown in 2004, now Japan's largest. Yusaku Maezawa, President/FounderSTART TODAY CO., LTD. Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Maezawa is the founder of the Tokyo-based Contemporary Art Foundation, which he started in 2012 with a goal of "supporting young artists as a pillar of the next generation of contemporary art." The Contemporary Art Foundation aims to contribute to the promotion of contemporary art by helping young artists and young musicians improve their skills. It also carries out activities such as holding contemporary art exhibitions, etc., to popularize and improve knowledge and education of contemporary art; Popularization of contemporary art by holding contemporary art exhibitions, etc; Management of contemporary art award program; Providing grants to young artists and young musicians; Activities necessary to achieve the purposes of this foundation. Japan
84 Manu Chandaria, Chairman and CEO, Comcraft Group Net Worth: $2.5 billion Manilal Premchand Chandaria OBE EBS (Elder of the Burning Spear is a Kenyan businessman of Indian descent born in Nairobion 1 March 1929. Along with being a senior member of the Comcraft Group of Companies, a billion dollar enterprise that has a presence in over 40 countries, he is on the boards of several prominent East African companies. He has won several awards in East Africa and internationally in recognition of his entrepreneurial endeavours and is also a noted philanthropist. Manu Chandaria, Chairman and CEO, Comcraft Group Humanitarian, Education and Healthcare Founded for over sixty years, Chandaria Foundation aims at helping the less privileged members of the society in eradication of Poverty alleviation and providing a sustainable environment for the community & the universe as a whole. The Foundation strives to elevate the community it lives in, through socio economic developments in Education, Health, Culture, Sports & Art, that are sustainable with a distinct bias in supporting children, handicap and the girl child as the family contributes as the voice of the voiceless. Kenya
85 Lee Joon Yong, Honary Chairman, Daelim Group Net worth: $770million Lee Joon-Yong chairs storied 75-year-old construction company Daelim, but with some interest in petrochemicals. Daelim has built the country's arterial highway, the Gyeongbu Expressway; the Seoul subway; the 1988 Olympics' main stadium; and the National Assembly building. It was also the first Korean firm to work on overseas construction project. Currently, he served as a professor in Youngnam Cyber University and Soongjeon university. Beside being a businessman and academia, he is also a chairman in Federation of Korean Industries and Korea America Friendship Society. Lee Joon Yong, Honary Chairman, Daelim Group Humanitarian Foundation dedicated to the unification of the two Koreas with major focus on re-uniting families. Its Korean American Sharing Movement (KASM) empowers the future leaders of the Korean Peninsula. KASM cultivates leadership and understanding of building and developing human capacity. Korea
86 Quek LengChan, Executive CEO and Chairman , Hong Leong Group Net Worth : $7 billion Executive Chairman of Hong Leong Group, he founded the Hong Leong Foundation in 1980, which donates $1.6 million every year to college students and disabled students, funds construction projects for non-profit institutions and schools, and supports training programs for entrepreneurs. Quek is also a Founding Member and Permanent Trustee of The Community Chest, a non-profit charitable organization that supports Chinese, Tamil and missionary schools in Malaysia. In 2011, Hong Leong Bank, where Quek is Chairman, contributed $16 million towards the $633 million acquisition fund of numbers forecast operator, Pan Malaysian Pools. Dividends received from Pan Malaysian Pools were donated to The Community Chest, which benefited more than 302 primary schools since its establishment in 2011. He does not appear to have a family foundation.. Quek LengChan, Executive CEO and Chairman , Hong Leong Group Education and Poverty alleviation Improve educational outcomes for low income students, andprovide financial support for alleviating the plight of the abandoned and destitute elderly and children. The foundation identifies and develops innovative programmes that advance education and community development in Malaysia, in accordance with the charter of the Foundation. Providing grants for high impact, sustainable projects that aids the nation's poorest, it encourages community organisations to further the philanthropic mandate of the Founation. Malaysia
87 Lim Wee Chai, Executive Chairman and Founder, Top Glove Corp. Net worth: $1.15 billion Lim Wee Chai is a Malaysian businessman. He is the chairman and founder of Top Glove Group of Companies, which was founded in 1991 and was listed on Bursa Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) on March 2001, and the Singapore Exchange (SGX) on June 2016. He founded a rubber glove manufacturing company and trading business which started with only 1 glove production line. Currently, Top Glove has emerged to be the world’s largest manufacturer of gloves, with 25% of the world market share, operating 39 manufacturing facilities with a total of 618 production lines across Malaysia, Thailand and China. Lim Wee Chai, Executive Chairman and Founder, Top Glove Corp. Education and Environment Founded in 2009, the foundation has donated roughly $5 million to various causes, with a focus on education. Recent beneficiaries include several Chinese-medium schools in Malaysia as well as Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, which received $70,000 in 2015 to create a chair for the Top Glove Professor of Chemistry. Malaysia
88 Aliko Dangote, Founder and Chairman, Dangote Group Net worth: $14.1 billion Aliko Dangote is a Nigerian business magnate, investor, and owner of the Dangote Group, which has interests in commodities in Nigeria and other African countries. He is the richest person of African descent. He often bought a package of candy and selling it back in primary school just to make additional pocket money. Initially a small trading firm in 1977, Dangote is now a conglomerate with many of its operations in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. Dangote has expanded to cover food processing, cement manufacturing, and freight. The Dangote Group also dominates the sugar market in Nigeria and is a major supplier to the country's soft drink companies, breweries, and confectioners. The Dangote Group has moved from being a trading company to be the largest industrial group in Nigeria including Dangote Sugar Refinery, Dangote Cement, and Dangote Flour Aliko Dangote, Founder and Chairman, Dangote Group CSR Some of the Foundation's activities in Nigeria include, N1 billion for Nigerian universities including N500 million for development of a business school in Bayero University and N100 million for the proposed Otuoke University in Bayelsa State. The Foundation also disbursed N230 million to women in Kogi State as a micro grant as part of the Kogi Human Capital Development initiative. In order to alleviate the suffering of communities in Jos suffering from effects of a prolonged ethno-religious crises in 2010, the Dangote Foundation made a donation of relief materials worth N50 million to the community leaders. Nigeria
89 Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu, Chairman, Heirs Holding Net worth: $700million Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu is a Nigerian economist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the Chairman of Heirs Holdings, the United Bank for Africa, Transcorp and founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation. Elumelu holds the Nigerian national honours, the Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON) and Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR). He has been responsible for creating business that are critical to Africa's economic development. He is a proponent of “Africapitalism,” an economic philosophy which advocates for the private sector’s commitment to Africa’s development through long-term investment in strategic sectors of the economy, that drive economic prosperity and social wealth. Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu, Chairman, Heirs Holding Entrepreneurship Founded in 2010, the foundation aims at enpowerment of African entrepreneurship, promotion of leadership and creation of integrated entrepreneurial ecosystem. The flagship programme, the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrapreneurship Programme is the largest African philanthropic initiative devoted to entraprenurship, representing a 10 year, $100 million worth of commitment to identify and empower 10,000 African entrapreneurs, create meaningful jobs adding $10 billion in revenues to African economy. Nigeria
90 Jim Ovia, Chairman, Zenith Bank Net Worth: $980 million Jim Ovia is a Nigerian businessman. He founded Zenith Bank in 1990. He served as CEO until 2010, when he moved into the chairman role. He was the recipient of a Nigerian national honor. During two decades of leadership, he helped position the bank as one of the largest and most profitable in Africa. Ovia is the founder of Visafone Communications Limited and the chairman of both the Nigerian Software Development Initiative (NSDI) and the National Information Technology Advisory Council (NITAC). He is a member of the Honorary International Investor Council as well as the Digital Bridge Institute (DBI). He is the Chairman of Cyberspace Network Limited. Jim Ovia, Chairman, Zenith Bank Education The Jim Ovia Scholars programme, founded in 1998, provides aid to outstanding students during undergraduate and graduate study. The Jim Ovia ICT Entrepreneurs programme provides funding to the most promising five to 10 ideas a year, through a competitive bid process. The Jim Ovia Foundation has funded 1,500 scholarships totalling N100m ($200,000) since 2010, and supports IT skills programmes for marginalised young people, working with partners such as IBM and Google. Nigeria
91 Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, Founder and Chairman, South Atlantic Petroleum Limited Net Worth: $ 1.1 billion General TY Danjuma is a Nigerian philanthropist, soldier, businessman, politician and millionaire. He served in the Nigerian army for 20 years and achieved the rank of Lieutenant General before serving as Chief of Army Staff. After leaving the army General Danjuma founded the Nigeria America Line shipping company. He then launched COMET Shipping Agencies Nigeria and founded South Atlantic Petroleum Limited. Besides his business engagements, General Danjuma has also been active in politics and was the Minister of Defence under President Olusegun Obasanjo’s rule. Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, Founder and Chairman, South Atlantic Petroleum Limited Healthcare Education The TY Danjuma Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life of Nigerians by supporting initiatives that improve access to health and educational opportunities. TY Danjuma Foundation works mainly through Non Governmental Organizations and Community Based groups in Nigeria. Its strategy of working through partnerships is intended to build institutional capacity of groups, supporting innovation and ensuring that the funding provided meets the needs of the target beneficiaries and is culturally relevant. Core focus areas include community health and education initiatives, income acceleration to empower women and youth and policy advocacy. Nigeria
92 David Zuellig & Daniel Zuellig, Co-founders, Zuellig pharma group Net worth: NA David Zuellig began his career in the Zuellig Group in 1989 upon expansion of the Accette Broking Group. The Zuellig Group owns and manages a diversified portfolio of industry-leading businesses in the Asia Pacific region spanning sectors which include insurance, healthcare distribution solutions and pharmacy services ; agribusiness manufacturing and distribution as well as and agricultural and materials handling equipment supply and services. In addition, In March 2017, he was elected to the Board of Directors of Asia Philanthropy Circle Ltd. David Zuellig & Daniel Zuellig, Co-founders, Zuellig pharma group Healthcare The Zuellig Family Foundation is focused in imporving health conditions of the Filipino communities of rural areas by providing training programs for local govt. health poilcy makers to help drive improvements in health outcome related governence. The Foundation’s purpose is rooted in the Zuellig family’s long-standing business in healthcare and the core focus remains on directing phianthropic efforts to nationan-building via community healthcare. Philippines
93 Vladimir Olegovich Potanin, Chairman, Interros Net worth: $15.8 billion Vladmir Potanin is a Russian billionaire, entrepreneur and oligarch. He acquired his wealth notably through the controversial loans-for-shares program in Russia in the early to mid-1990s. His long-term business partner was Mikhail Prokhorov until they decided to split in 2007. Subsequently, they put their mutual assets in a holding company, Folletina Trading, until their asset division was agreed upon. In January 2018, Potanin appeared on the US Treasury’s “Putin list” of 210 individuals closely associated with Russian president Vladimir Putin He is one of the wealthiest men in Russia Vladimir Olegovich Potanin, Chairman, Interros Education Since the establishment of the Foundation in 1999 education has been one of its major spheres of activity and priority issue as the organisation aims in improving social involvement in philanthropy and the need to nurture and encourage future leaders and those who will be able later not only to improve their own skills and knowledge but also to change life and environment around them for the better. A positive example of this approach is the Vladimir Potanin Fellowship Program which focuses on master degree students and professors. This Program logically builds on and follows the Federal Scholarship Program which was launched back in 2000 and encouraged student-led projects aimed to improve student life and address community needs and which was logically followed by The Vladimir Potanin Fellowship Program combines three components: fellowship contest for master degree students, grant competition for university professors who teach courses for master degree students, and Foundation School based on the principle of learning by doing, self government and networking.
94 Amr Al-Dabbagh, Chairman and CEO, Al-Dabbagh Group Net Worth $2 billion Amr Al-Dabbagh (born 1966) is a Saudibusinessman, philanthropist, former government minister, and author. He is the chairman and CEO of the Jeddah-based Al-Dabbagh Group. Al-Dabbagh is the founder of the Stars Foundation, a non-profit devoted to helping disadvantaged children, and Philanthropy University, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Global South civil society organizations, providing free non-credit courses based in Oakland, California. Amr Al-Dabbagh, Chairman and CEO, Al-Dabbagh Group Humanitarian London-based Stars Foundation supports locally-led solutions for children and young people in the 100 countries with the highest “under five” mortality rate. 2016 marked 10 years of the Foundation’s flagship Impact Awards, an awards programme recognising outstanding locally-led organisations working to improve the lives of children. Stars Foundation is also the convenor of the With and For Girls Collective, a group of organisations united by a common belief that girls are agents of change. Philanthropy University Berkeley-based Philanthropy University is a free, first-of-its-kind educational initiative for change makers in the social sector. Its 100X20 vision aims to impact the lives of 100 million people by 2020 by training hundreds of thousands of learners working for social good, elevating their cause and furthering their reach. Saudi Arabia
95 Ho Swee Huat, Co-founder, Autism Association Singapore Net worth: N.A Ho Swee Huat is Managing Director of Abacus Assets Advisors Pte Ltd which he founded in 1997. Prior to that, he had an established 20-year banking career in Singapore, Hong Kong and New York, which included 10 years with the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York (now J.P.Morgan). From 2004 to 2013, he was an Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of CapitaCommercial Trust Management Ltd, manager of Singapore’s largest publicly listed commercial REIT. Ho Swee Huat is the Chairman of The Head Foundation Limited, a non-profit educational foundation in Singapore. He is also current Chairman of the Autism Association (Singapore) which he co-founded with a group of parents in 1992. In addition he is the Vice-Chairman of Eden School, a special school for children with autism.For his volunteer work, he was awarded the Public Service Medal by the President of Singapore on Singapore’s 2015 National Day Ho Swee Huat, Co-founder, Autism Association Singapore Humanitarian Ho Swee Huat co-founded the organisation with a group of parents to autistic children in 1992, to identify and encourage the treamtment , education, welfare and acceptance of persons with autism in the society. It stimulates public awareness and understanding of autism, community involvement and support for persons with autism and their families. Through Eden Childcare centre, Eden school, Eden centre for adults and Eden activity club, the organisation serves to initiate, organise and support provision of a broad spectrum at services for people with autism in Singapore. Such services to encompass education, vocational and life skills training and residential care. Singapore
96 Danny Yong, Chief Investment Officer and Founding Partner Net Worth: $670 million Danny Yong is a Singaporean hedge fund manager. He is the Chief Investment Officer and founding partner of Dymon Asia Capital. The Firm was founded in 2008 and is an alternative investment management firm with notional assets under management of around USD5.9 billion across hedge funds, private equity and venture capital strategies as of March 2017. The Firm is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. In May 2014, Temasek invested USD500 million in Dymon Asia's strategies and also took a minority stake in the company. Danny Yong, Chief Investment Officer and Founding Partner Humanitarian The Ray of Hope Initiative Limited (ROHI) is a non-profit organisation founded in November 2012. ROHI is dedicated to helping individuals and families living within our community in Singapore, who are going through hardships, who may otherwise have no access to assistance. Singapore
97 John Lim, Group CEO and Executive Director, ARA Asset Management Limited Net Worth: $575 million John Lim is the cofounder of ARA Asset Management with $58 billion in assets under managementLim cofounded ARA in 2002 with the backing of Li Ka-shing. He manages close to 100 properties in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2016, he led the $1.78 billion privatization of ARA along with Warburg Pincus and China's AVIC Trust. Lim recently expanded the portfolio by splurging $575 million on stakes in Japan's Kenedix and Australia's Cromwell Property Group. John Lim, Group CEO and Executive Director, ARA Asset Management Limited Education The Lim Hoon Foundation is a private charitable trust created in August 2008 with the primary objective of promoting academic achievement for all students, at all levels, kindergarten through university with a focus on those from low income families. Our ultimate objective is to encourage the advancement of education through a wide range of philanthropic activities. Singapore
98 Phillip Ng, Chairman and CEO, Far East Organisation Philip Ng is the CEO of Far East Organization, family-owned property development and investment group operating in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia. Far East Organization operates as a Christian enterprise which seeks to be a community of love and a workplace of grace doing business guided by the eternal truths of Jesus Christ. Mr Ng additionally serves as the Director of Hong Kong-based Sino Group, which is Far East Organization’s sister company, engaging in real estate activities in Hong Kong and China. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with First Class Honours from King’s College, London University, UK and two Master degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in Geothermal Engineering Policy and one in Urban City Planning. He is a member of the MOH (Ministry of Health) Holdings Healthcare Infrastructure and Planning Committee. Phillip Ng, Chairman and CEO, Far East Organisation Miscelleneous philanthropic causes The Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation was set up in 2010 in memory of Ng's late father, who founded the Sino Group.The Foundation which actively supports various philanthropic causes. Recently in 2018, the Foudnation pleged RMB 10 million to support the restoration of the Great Wall of China. Supporting philanthropy in education, the Foundation made a donation of RMB 200 million to sipport Peking University in recruiting world-class teaching talents and encourage educational and cultural exchanges between the Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Back in Sept 2011, the organisation pledged a sum of $1125 million over five years to JurongHealth Fund for the purpose of promoting development of health related services to benefit of Singapore community. Singapore
99 Allan W.B. Gray, Founder, Allan Gray Investment Management and Orbis Investment Management Net Worth: $1.82 billion Allan WB Gray is a South African business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He has built a successful career career around finding and investing in companies which are priced well below his assessment of their intrinsic value. With a bacherlors degree in accounting from Rhodes and a Masters from Harvard Business School. In 2007 he established the Allan Gray Foundation with a US $130 million endowment to fund bursaries and scholarships for talented South African high school students. This was the largest single recorded donation to a charity in South Africa at the time. Allan W.B. Gray, Founder, Allan Gray Investment Management and Orbis Investment Management Education The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation invests in the education and development of individuals with entrepreneurial potential within Southern Africa. The project sponsors thousands of scholarship, mentors and job positions to develop entrepreneurship environments. Through the foundation, he donated $150 million to South African high school South Africa
100 Mark Richard Shuttleworth, Founder and CEO, Canonical Ltd. Net Worth: $500 million Mark Richard Shuttleworth is a South African entrepreneur who is the founder and CEO of Canonical Ltd., the company behind the development of the Linux-based Ubuntu operating system. Shuttleworth founded Thawte Consulting in 1995, a currently running company which specialized in digital certificates and Internet security. In 2002, he became the first African to travel to space as a space tourist. He lives on the Isle of Man and holds dual citizenship from South Africa and the United Kingdom. Mark Richard Shuttleworth, Founder and CEO, Canonical Ltd. Education The Shuttleworth Foundation was established in 2001 to promote education and technology in Africa. It gives annual grants to fellows for projects that include the development of low-cost 3D-printed medical supplies, such as the $3 stethoscope. South Africa
101 Nicholas F. Oppenheimer, Former Chairman, De Beers diamond mining company Net Worth $7.7 billion Nicholas F. Oppenheimer (born 8 June 1945) is a South African billionaire businessman and philanthropist. He was formerly the chairman of De Beers diamond mining company and of its subsidiary, the Diamond Trading Company, and former deputy chairman of Anglo American. Oppenheimer joined the Anglo American Corporation in 1968, and was appointed a director in 1974. He became deputy chairman in 1983. He subsequently resigned in 2001 but remained a non-executive director until 2011. He is the second richest African. Nicholas F. Oppenheimer, Former Chairman, De Beers diamond mining company Economy The Brenthurst Foundation is at the frontier of new ideas and innovative actions for strengthening Africa's economic performance. Working at the invitation of African governments since 2004, the Foundation is constantly engaged with a diverse range of experts, policy specialists and senior government officials with activities focused across three main areas: South Africa
102 Patrice Tlhopane Motsepe, Founder, African Rainbow Minerals Net Worth $1.92 billion Patrice Tlhopane Motsepe is a South African billionaire mining businessman. He is the founder and executive chairman of African Rainbow Minerals, which has interests in gold, ferrous metals, base metals, and platinum. He sits on several company boards including being the non-executive chairman of Harmony Gold, the world's 12th largest gold mining company, and the deputy chairman of Sanlam. In 2012, Motsepe was named South Africa's richest man, topping the Sunday Times' annual Rich List with an estimated fortune of R20.07 billion ($2.5 billion). Patrice Tlhopane Motsepe, Founder, African Rainbow Minerals Humanitarian The Foundation focuses on initiatives and projects that will assist the beneficiaries to become self-sustaining and independent. They are committed to promoting non-racialism in South Africa; by respecting diversity and encouraging people of all races, faiths and cultures to join hands towards the development of South Africa and the rest of Africa. The foundation works with and encourage Governments on the African continent to develop economies that support efforts aimed at addressing Poverty alleviation, education, inequality, unemployment and improving health outcomes. South Africa
103 Johann Peter Rupert, Chairman, Compagnie Financiere Richemont SA Net Worth $6.6 billion Johann Peter Rupert (born 1 June 1950) is a South African-born entrepreneur, who is the eldest son of business tycoon Anton Rupert and his wife Huberte. He is the chairman of the Swiss-based luxury-goods company Richemont as well as of the South Africa-based company Remgro. It was announced on 13 November 2009 that as of 1 April 2010, he would assume the position of Chief Executive Officer of Compagnie Financiere Richemont. Together with his family he was estimated to be worth $5.5 billion as of January 2017, and Forbes ranked him as the fourth richest African, tied with Christo Wiese. Johann Peter Rupert, Chairman, Compagnie Financiere Richemont SA Culture The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship is an international non-profit entity that celebrates and preserves master craftsmanship and strengthens its connection to the world of design. To defend its vision of value creation, the Foundation works within three principle lines of action: to perpetuate, to communicate, and to deliver creativity and craftsmanship safely into the future. Switzerland
104 Samuel Yin, President, Ruentex Group Net worth: $3.9billion Samuel Yin is the chairman of Taiwanese conglomerate Ruentex Group, is one of the four Taiwanese on Forbes’ “48 Heroes of Philanthropy” list. He is most known for the establishment of the Tang Prize. In 2010, Yin received the Henry L. Michel Award for Industry Advancement of Research by the prestigious American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for his contribution in the area of construction technology research. He was the first person without an academic background in engineering to receive the award. Samuel Yin, President, Ruentex Group Culture, Science The Tang Prize  is a set of biennial international awards bestowed in four fields: Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology, and Rule of Law. Nomination and selection are conducted by an independent selection committee, which is formed in partial cooperation with the Academia Sinica, Taiwan's top research institution. Taiwan
105 Stan Shih, Chariman, Founder and President of Acer Inc Net Worth: $8 billion Stan Shih is the founder, president, and chairman of Acer Inc. In 1976, after receiving bachelor's and master's degrees in electronic engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Shih founded Multitech with his wife Carolyn Yeh and five partners. Shih chaired Multitech through to 1987, when the company was renamed Acer, continuing as Acer chairman until his retirement in late 2004, having seen the company grow from a tiny start-up to a billion-dollar worldwide brand. Shih remained active in charity work during his retirement, including serving as a special representative of President Chen Shui-bian to the APEC Australia 2007. In November 2013, Shih returned to Acer after being reinstated as president and chairman. Stan Shih, Chariman, Founder and President of Acer Inc Education and Technology The mission of Acer Foundation is to promote the integration of technology. Through the development of knowledge and training of talent, the foundation strives to create strong alliances that span the globe. By promoting philanthropic efforts and talent training, the foundation is advancing social prosperity and elevating the standards of academic research to accelerate Taiwan’s transformation into an “island of technology". Taiwan
106 Mohammed "Mo" Gulamabbas Dewji, President and Owner, METL Net Worth: $1.52 billion Mohammed "Mo" Gulamabbas Dewji is a Tanzanian billionaire businessman, philanthropist, and former politician. He is the president and owner of MeTL Group, a Tanzanian conglomerate founded by his father in the 1970s. Dewji served as Member of Parliament for Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) from 2005 to 2015 for his home town of Singida. In the early 2000s, when the Tanzanian government privatized loss-making companies, he acquired them inexpensively and turned them into profit centers by trimming personnel expenses. MeTL Group of Companies is the largest privately owned conglomerate in Tanzania. Mohammed "Mo" Gulamabbas Dewji, President and Owner, METL Education, healthcare and skills development On a mission to enable and empower the under-privelaged who continue to struggle in Tanzania, the idea of Mo Dewji Foundation was conceived in 2000 driven by Mohammed Dewji's passion and ambitions for the society through specific emphasis on health, education and community development. The Foundation recognises education to create a pathway to a more predictive, just and equitable society, strengthening healthcare systems to assist in disease prevention and challeling regional communiy development efforts to help create self-sustaining socities in Tanzania. Tanzania
107 Tan Passakornnatee, Chairman and Founder, Ichitan Group Net worth: As of 2016- $440 million Thai businessman, best known as the founder of the Oishi Group of Japanese restaurants. The product that made him successful and well known in Thailand is Oishi Green Tea. Tan Passakornnatee was born in Chonburi at Thailand. His parents are Chinese, so he is both Thai and Chinese. He graduated at Grade 9 and got his first job as an employee at Sahapat. Then he saved money from his first job, and he opened a bookstall in Chonburi. Also, he started to invest his money in property. In 1999, he founded the Oishi Restaurants, WBC (Wedding Business Consultant) Wedding Studio and Oishi Green Tea. Next, in 2010 he resigned from the Oishi Group, and he founded a new company named Mai Tan that is composed of Ichitan Company and Double Drink Company. Tan Passakornnatee, Chairman and Founder, Ichitan Group Humanitarian Tan pledges half his net profit to his Tan Pan Foundation, which works to improve education, the environment and tourism in Thailand. As a strong believer of giving back to the society, Tan pledges 50% of his net profits after he turn 60 to Tan Pan Foundation, which focuses on upliftment and betterment of education and environment. Thailand
108 Ashish J. Thakkar, Founder, Mara Group Net Worth: $425 million Ashish J. Thakkar is a Dubai-based British entrepreneur. He is the founder of Mara Group and Mara Foundation, and he is a co-founder of Atlas Mara. Thakkar was born in the United Kingdom, but he moved to East Africa as a teenager before founding Mara Group, a Pan-African conglomerate, at the age of 15. Mara Group's operations and investments span 22 African countries. He is the author of The Lion Awakes: Adventures in Africa's Economic Miracle. Ashish J. Thakkar, Founder, Mara Group Entrepreneurship The Foundation incorporates three key integral platforms, maintaining a set focus on developing an SME eco system to support entrepreneurs with a particular focus on youth and women entrepreneurs in line with the founder’s vision to create change for a sustainable future. In developing countries, young and women entrepreneurs face structural and financial barriers in the seed, incubation and growth period of starting a business. The Mara Foundation’s aim is to address this challenge by developing an ecosystem. Ashish’s meticulous passages as an entrepreneur in Africa has subsequently proliferated his desire to develop such an ecosystem to create impact and drive change for a sustainable future for the youth and women of today. Uganda
109 Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair, Founder and Chairman, Mashreq Bank Net Worth $5.9 billion Mr. Abdulla Al Ghurair is Chairman of the Board of Mashreq Bank, one of the leading financial institutions in the UAE and the region, which was founded by him and his brother Saif as we all as the Al Ghurair family in 1967. In addition, the Al Ghurair family is recognized as a major player in driving the growth of the Emirati economy. It has lent its name to many businesses and projects that have not only shaped the contours of the business sector in the United Arab Emirates, but ones that have extended their reach to the Arabian Gulf as well. Abdulla bin Ahmad Al Ghurair, Founder and Chairman, Mashreq Bank Education The foundation creates opportunities to activate the untapped potential of Arab youth, providing underserved, high-achieving students with the scholarships, support and skills training that they need to thrive. The foundation tailors its programming to the needs of underserved youth, preparing them for their transition to work, ultimately empowering them to learn for life. United Arab Emirates
110 Majid Al Futtaim, Founder,   Majid Al Futtaim Group Net Worth $4.6 billion Majid Al Futtaim is an Emirati billionaire businessman, the founder, owner and president of the Majid Al Futtaim Group, an Emirati real estate and retail conglomerate, with projects in Asia and Africa. As of March 2017, Al Futtaim's net worth is estimated by Forbes at US$10.9 billion, the second richest individual in the Middle East. Majid Al Futtaim is the brother in-law of fellow billionaire Abdulla Al Futtaim, the head of the Al-Futtaim Group, from whom he is estranged and splitted the Al Futtaim empire to form Majid Al Futtaim Group in 1992. Majid Al Futtaim, Founder,   Majid Al Futtaim Group Healthcare Education MAF Charity Foundation engages in high-impact and sustainable activities in healthcare and education to extend assistance to individuals, families and institutions that need assistance in providing services related to health, UAE National training and education, as well as other charitable activities that will help contribute to the overall welfare of the UAE and its people. For healthcare, MAF Charity Foundation is implementing a series of awareness campaigns and healthcare projects envisioned to raise the public’s awareness on the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, as well as providing support for healthcare institutions in terms of modernizing their facilities and enhancing their capabilities to provide medical treatment. For education, MAF Charitable Foundation is developing training programmes that will help provide greater opportunities for employment for UAE Nationals. A special training institute focusing on retail management is also being developed to help advance best practices in retail management in the UAE. United Arab Emirates
111 Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim, Founder, Mo Ibrahim Foundation Net worth: $1.2 billion Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim is a Sudanese-British billionaire businessman. He worked for several telecommunications companies, before founding Celtel, which when sold had over 24 million mobile phone subscribers in 14 African countries. After selling Celtel in 2005 for $3.4 billion, he set up the Mo Ibrahim Foundation to encourage better governance in Africa, as well as creating the Mo Ibrahim Index, to evaluate nations' performance Mohammed "Mo" Ibrahim, Founder, Mo Ibrahim Foundation Governance Leadership The Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) was established in 2006 to highlight the critical importance of governance and leadership in Africa. Defining Leadership as one about making choices, defining prioirties and taking risks and governance about properly documenting and effectively implementing these choice, the Foundation identifies complex challenges around improving quality of life for citizens, matching GDP gains to employment gains and lack of enforcement of law and rights despite economic progress . United Kingdom
112 Christopher Hohn, Founder, The Children Investment Fund Net Worth : $3 billion Chris Hohn is founder, managing partner and portfolio manager of The Children's Investment Fund Management, a U.K.-based global investment firm. TCI is a value-based, fundamental investment manager with a concentrated portfolio aiming to bring a long-term, owner-oriented philosophy to public markets. TCI may use activism to enhance value as appropriate.Based in London, Hohn has more than 20 years of experience in the investment industry and has managed equity portfolios for over 15 years. Christopher Hohn, Founder, The Children Investment Fund Humanitarian Over 800 million children are at risk of infection from parasitic worms known as soil-transmitted helminths. India - world's largest health intervention in one day (270 million children across 29 states and 7 union territory Ethiopia - 17 million children treated in Nov 2015 and Apr 2016 Kenya - By year three of the programme, the proportion of Kenyan children infected with intestinal worms went from 33% to 16%, infection went from 19% to 6% immediately after the round of deworming in year two. United Kingdom
113 Tom Hunter, Co-founder West Coast Capital Net Worth : $1.05 billion Thomas Blane Hunter is a Scottish businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. With his wife, Marion he established The Hunter Foundation in 1998 after selling his first business, Sports Division for a cool £290m. After discussions with Vartan Gregorian, head of the Carnegie Foundation of New York, Tom set a cause and a method which has resulted in the foundation donating millions to supporting educational and entrepreneurial projects in Scotland. Tom Hunter, Co-founder West Coast Capital Humanitarian Focusing on areas of entrepreneurship, education, opportunity for all and poverty reduction, the Hunter Foundation works on the model of finding innovative partners, disruptors and fund them againt a pre-agreed Key-Performance Indicators (KPIs). With this, the Foundation is a proactive venture philanthropy that seeks to invest in determining model solutions, in partnership with others, to troubling systemic issues relating to poverty eradication and educational enablement. To date THF has invested in excess of £55m for the common good and over time we hope to invest a good deal more. United Kingdom
114 David Sainsbury, Chancellor, University of Cambridge Net Worth:: $1.1 billion Born in a familt of strong tradition of philanthropy, he set up the Gatsby Charitable Foundation as an endowed grant-making trust in 1967, just four years after graduating from King’s College, Cambridge, having read History and Psychology. He began his professional career when he joined the UK retailer J Sainsbury plc in 1963. He gained an MBA from the Columbia Graduate School of Business in New York in 1971 before becoming J Sainsbury’s Finance Director in 1973, holding the position for 17 years. In 1997 he became the Lord Sainsbury of Turville, post which he was appointed as the Minister of Science and Innovation in the UK Government. In November 2006 he left the Government after 8 years’ service to concentrate on his business interests and philanthropy. He was appointed as Chancellor of Cambridge University in 2011. David Sainsbury, Chancellor, University of Cambridge Miscellenous The Gatsby Charitable Foundation is an endowed grant-making trust established in 1967 by David Sainsbury which acts as the enabler for projects across a small number of selected fields- The main areas we cover are economic development in Africa, science and engineering education, plant science, neuroscience, and the Arts. United Kingdom
115 Roman Abramovich, Owner, Chelsea FC & Investment company Millhouse LLC Net Worth: $11.5 billion Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich is an Israeli-Russian billionaire businessman, investor, and politician. Since 2018, he has also held Israeli citizenship. Abramovich is the primary owner of the private investment company Millhouse LLC, and is best known outside Russia as the owner of Chelsea Football Club, a Premier League football club. He was formerly governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug from 2000 to 2008.. He has donated more than $2.5 billion between the years 1999 and 2013 to build schools, hospitals and infrastructure in Chukotka. Roman Abramovich, Owner, Chelsea FC & Investment company Millhouse LLC Sports Chelsea FC Foundation has partnered with Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO) to provide people in and around the housing areas positive sporting activities to assist in improving community cohesion and community responsibility, eventually the project's aim is to reduce anti-social behavior that may occur by providing diversionary sessions at key times and days. United Kingdom
116 Niklas Zennstrom, CEO, Atomico, Former Founder, Skype "Net Worth: $1.3 billion Niklas Zennström is a Swedish billionaire entrepreneur best known for founding several high-profile online ventures with Janus Friis including Skype and Kazaa. More recently he founded the technology investment firm Atomico and has become a significant figurehead for entrepreneurs in the tech sector. Zennström is also the co-founder of the charity organization Zennström Philanthropies. Zennström's most notable success to date is Skype, a telephony company based on peer-to-peer principles. In October 2005 Skype was acquired by eBay for $2.6 billion plus the potential to earn further performance-based bonuses up to $1.5 billion. Zennström was CEO from Skype's inception until September 2007." Niklas Zennstrom, CEO, Atomico, Former Founder, Skype Humanitarian Zennström Philanthropies was founded in 2007 by Niklas and Catherine Zennström. Its mission is to support and engage with organisations that fight for human rights, work to stop climate change and encourage entrepreneurship in order to protect our natural environment and allow those who live in it to realize their full potential. Engaging passionately, Zennström Philanthropies human rights work focuses on Europe and Central Asia where their focus is on raising awareness about rights and working towards long term sustainability of local human rights communities. United Kingdom
117 Sean Parker, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Brigade Net worth: $2.6 bn Sean Parker is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist, most notable for cofounding the file-sharingcomputer service Napster, and serving as the first president of the social networking website Facebook. He also cofounded Plaxo, Causes,, and Brigade, an online platform for civic engagement. He is the founder and chairman of the Parker Foundation, which focuses on life sciences, global public health, and civic engagement. Sean Parker, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Brigade Humanitarian Health Care Starting in 2016, the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy scientists funded a clinical trial to test the next wave of cancer-fighting T-cells engineered using the CRISPR gene-editing technology. The trail was the first in the United States to test CRISPR-modified cells in humans. The trial is led by the University of Pennsylvania and is also conducted at UCSF and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. In November 2017, Science published a study from Parker Institute researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center showing that melanoma patients who have specific types of bacteria and a greater microbial diversity in their gut microbiome responded better to an anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor versus those with less diversity. Based on this work, the Parker Institute is collaborating with MD Anderson and industry partner Seres Therapeutics to launch a microbiome-cancer immunotherapy clinical trial for advanced melanoma patients. USA
118 Aliaune Akon Thiam, Co-Founder, Konfidence Foundation Net Worth: $80 million Akon, a Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum selling artist, producer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, is one of the most influential voices in music today. In addition to having two multi-platinum albums, 27songs on the Billboard Hot 100 and over 150 guest appearances with artists such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Eminem and Gwen Stefani, Akon is the first artist to accomplish the feat of holding both the number one and two spots simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 charts twice. Aliaune Akon Thiam, Co-Founder, Konfidence Foundation Humanitarian Founded by Akon and Ms. Kine Gueye Thiam in 2007, the Konfidence Foundation is dedicated to empowering youth in Senegal, West Africa and the United States by promoting health and education, and supporting impoverished families.Their vision shares the philosophy tthat one day the concentrated efforts in Senegal and the United States will serve as an international platform to unite these two great nations and help build the Africa of tomorrow. In 2007, Akon turned his attention, energy, and love to launch the Konfidence Foundation. Drawing upon his recognizable celebrity combined with pride of his heritage and passion for philanthropy, Akon formed the Konfidence Foundation to improve the quality of life for people in Africa and the United States. USA
119 Naveen K. Jain , Co-founder and Executive Chairman,Moon Express; CEO, Viome Net Worth: $8 Billion Naveen Jain is an entrepreneur and philanthropist driven to solve the world's biggest challenges through innovation. He is a founder of Moon Express, World Innovation Institute, iNome, TalentWise, Intelius, and Infospace. He is a regular contributor to the Forbes, WSJ, INC and Huffington Post. Moon Express is developing a robotic lunar lander to explore and mine the moon for planetary resources that will be the key to securing humankind's future.Naveen Jain is a member of the Board of Trustees and Vision Circle at the XPRIZE Foundation where he is focused on finding entrepreneurial solutions to address the global challenges in health, education, poverty, agriculture, and clean water. Naveen K. Jain , Co-founder and Executive Chairman,Moon Express; CEO, Viome Humanitarian - Women Safety The Anu & Naveen Jain Women's Safety XPRIZE challenges teams to leverage technology to keep women and communities safe. Inviting and inubating innovation, the winning team's solution will autonomously and inconspicuously trigger an emergency alert and transmit information to a network of community responders, all within 90 seconds. The winning technology will cost no more than US $40, to help ensure it is affordable. In a bid to make the world safer for women and having recognised that one in three women have faced violence in some form and at least one in five women are assaulted on college campuses in the United States alone, the goal of the prize is to use technology to find a solution which would allow communities to rapidly respond to threats against any of its members, ensuring that help is always available.
120 Pierre Morad Omidyar, Founder, eBay Net Worth: US$11.1 billion Pierre Morad Omidyar is a French-American billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist of Iranian parentage. He is the founder of the eBay auction site where he served as chairman from 1998 to 2015. He became a billionaire at the age of 31 with eBay's 1998 initial public offering (IPO). Omidyar and his wife Pamela are well-known philanthropists who founded Omidyar Network in 2004 in order to expand their efforts beyond non-profits to include for-profits and public policy. Since 2010, Omidyar has been involved in online journalism as the head of investigative reporting and public affairs news service Honolulu Civil Beat. Pierre Morad Omidyar, Founder, eBay Education, Humanitarian Democracy Fund: is a bipartisan foundation created by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar in 2011. It has been an independent private foundation since 2014. Its stated aim is to improve the democratic process in the United States so that it better benefits voters. Its activities include awarding grants to organizations it believes will further its goal. It also created the Voter Study Group, a collaboration of ideologically diverse scholars and analysts that surveyed 8,000 American voters on their political and social views. Humanity United: a foundation dedicated to bringing new approaches to global problems that have long been considered intractable. It works to encourage experimentation, innovation, co-creation, and adaptation to maximize impact. Our tools go beyond traditional financial support and include network development, advocacy, strategic communications, and HU-led initiatives. USA
121 James Harris Simons, Founder, Renaissance Technologies "Net Worth: $ 18.5 billion James Harris Simons is an American mathematician, billionaire hedge fund manager, and philanthropist. He is known as a quantitative investor and in 1982 founded Renaissance Technologies, a private hedge fund based in New York City. Although Simons retired from the fund in 2009, he remains its non-executive chairman and adviser. As a mathematics professor, he is also known for his studies on pattern recognition. He developed (with Shiing-Shen Chern) the Chern–Simons form, and contributed to the development of string theory by providing a theoretical framework to combine geometry and topology with quantum field theory." James Harris Simons, Founder, Renaissance Technologies Education, Healthcare The Simons Foundation’s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences. Co-founded in New York City by Jim and Marilyn Simons, the foundation exists to support basic — or discovery-driven — scientific research undertaken in the pursuit of understanding the phenomena of our world. The Simons Foundation’s support of science takes two forms: We support research by making grants to individual investigators and their projects through academic institutions, and, with the launch of the Flatiron Institute in 2016, we now conduct scientific research in-house, supporting teams of top computational scientists.
122 Steve Anthony Ballmer, Ex-CEO, Microsoft;, Co-founder, The Ballmer Group Net Worth: $38.7 billion Steven Anthony Ballmer is an American businessman who served as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Microsoft from January 2000 to February 2014. Prior to becoming the CEO he held a number of high profile positions at Microsoft, heading several departments including operations, operating systems development, and sales and support. He had also served as the Executive Vice President, Sales and Support, and President of Microsoft. Retired from Microsoft following an illustrious career, he now focuses on another one of his passions—basketball—and is currently the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He along with his wife, run the Ballmer Foundation. His goal is to make the American dream available to American kids. Steve Anthony Ballmer, Ex-CEO, Microsoft;, Co-founder, The Ballmer Group Education and Poverty alleviation The foundation supports efforts to improve economic mobility for children and families in the United States who are disproportionately likely to remain in poverty. Through their donation and and civic activism, the foundation focuses on four levers of change that, together, hold promise to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, collaborating with different parties including government, non-profit, community-based organizations to tackle problems
123 Lyda Hill, Chairman, L H Holdings Inc. "Net Worth: NA Lyda Hill is a Dallas entrepreneur, philanthropist,and the chairman of both LH Holdings, Inc., a private investment firm, and the Lyda Hill Foundation. Through her for-profit and not-for-profit investments, she is committed to funding game-changing advances in science and nature, to empowering nonprofit organizations, and to improving the local communities of greatest importance to her, North Texas and Colorado Springs. In recent years she has focused her efforts on a number of life sciences related philanthropic causes, prime ones incuding a $50 million pledge to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Moon Shots Program which aims to combat and eliminate cancer; a $20 million grant to her alma mater, The Hockaday School, to fund a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) program. " Lyda Hill, Chairman, L H Holdings Inc. Life Sciences and Nature The Lyda Hill Foundation is a private foundation committed to funding transformational advances in science and nature, empowering nonprofit organizations, and to improving the North Texas and Colorado Springs communities. The organizational ethos of the Lyda Hill Foundation reflects a mix of entrepreneurial vigor and a commitment to balancing profit with purpose.The foundation is committed to investing in solutions, as opposed to incremental change, seeking to invest in transformational initiatives that have the potential to impact global issues such as food safety, ocean conservation, medical research, and other related efforts.
124 Pham Nhat Vuong, Chairman,Vingroup "Net worth: $7.3 billion Pham Nhat Vuong studied in Russia and started a popular instant noodle business in the Ukraine which he sold to Nestle for $150 million in 2009, before returning to Vietnam .Vuong chairs Vingroup, one of Vietnam's largest conglomerates with interests in real estate, retail and healthcare among others. He turned some investments into non-profit ventures, including some in healthcare, education and sports. He also built a center of contemporary art." Pham Nhat Vuong, Chairman,Vingroup Education, health care programs andassistance for the poor The Kind Heart Foundation is a non-profit organization established by Vingroup to undertake humanitarian and charity missions and “most promptly and efficiently transfer Vingroup employees’ kindness to the community.” Established in 2006, with the entire operating budget funded by Vingroup and its management, the Kind Heart Fund has implemented practical projects and actionable programs for the development of many communities, with priority given to benefiting disadvantaged families and families with meritorious service to the revolution. These include: taking care of women awarded the “Heroic Vietnamese Mother” honour, supporting beneficiaries of social welfare and preferential government programs, helping poor but studious students, supporting economic development for poor provinces, assisting victims of natural disasters, and underwriting charitable and humanitarian projects that construct educational, cultural and public health centres. Vietnam
125 Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Executive Chairman, Econet Wireless "Net worth: $1.9 billion Zimbabwean businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the founder and executive chairman of diversified international Telecommunications, Media and Technology group Econet Wireless and Econet Media (Kwesé) . He is also a member of the Africa Progress Panel (APP), a group of ten distinguished individuals who advocate at the highest levels for equitable and sustainable development in Africa. As a Panel Member, he facilitates coalition building to leverage and broker knowledge and convenes decision-makers to influence policy for lasting change in Africa." Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Executive Chairman, Econet Wireless Education Higherlife Foundation is a social impact organization raising young African leaders through education by providing platforms for them to fulfil their God given purpose. Founded by Strive and Tsitsi Masiyiwa in 1996 out of their personal convictions, heartfelt compassion as well as their personal experiences of orphan-hood, we are contemporary Africans moving the African continent forward through education and opportunities. Zimbabwe
126 Daniel S. Aegerter, Chairman and Founder, ARMADA Investment AG Daniel S. Aegerter is the Chairman and Founder of ARMADA Investment AG. He established his family office at the age of 31, after the successful merger of his B2B software company TRADEX Technologies to Ariba for $5.6 billion dollars in March of 2000. In 2012, Ariba was acquired by German software maker SAP.Mr. Aegerter's business experience on both sides of the Atlantic, as investor and entrepreneur, gives him unique insights in business formation and capital markets. Over the last decade at ARMADA, Daniel built on his investment experience and worked with many entrepreneurs to help them reach their goals and execute their business plans.As a philanthropist, Mr. Aegerter is committed to power modern civilisation without destroying it. He co-founded Energy for Humanity as a new voice for the pro-nuclear environmental movement. He has been a member of the World Economic Forum since 2002. Daniel S. Aegerter, Chairman and Founder, ARMADA Investment AG Environment and Technology Energy for Humanity is a UK-and Switzerland-based non-profit organisation with a global outlook focused on solving climate change and enabling universal access to modern energy services. The Foundation strongly advocates for evidence-based, whole-system, and technology-inclusive solutions in pursuit of the best (fastest, most cost-effective, most feasible) outcomes for people and nature. Our goal is to address these themes and to inspire meaningful action. Switzerland
127 Dr. Charly Kleissner, Co-Founder, Toniic Dr. Charly Kleissner is an impact investor who believes that the fundamental meaning of wealth is to make a positive contribution to humanity for the ultimate benefit of society. He insists that the best impact investments integrate financial return and social/environmental impact. His expertise is in portfolio impact investing, blended financing and conscious leadership. Dr. Kleissner has over twenty years of experience as a senior technology executive in Silicon Valley. He held executive and senior engineering management positions at Hewlett-Packard, NeXT, RightPoint, and Ariba. Dr. Kleissner co-founded KL Felicitas Foundation, and Social-Impact International , which help social entrepreneurs worldwide to accelerate and increase their impact. Dr. Charly Kleissner, Co-Founder, Toniic Good Health and Well-Being, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Responsible Consumption and Production and Partnership for the Goals The KL Felicitas Foundation was created in 2000 with a mission to enable social entrepreneurs and enterprises globally to develop and grow sustainably. With a strong impact investing strategy at its core, the foundation works to match the entrepreneurial spirit and business discipline of social enterprise with the significant capital being made available through a growing network of impact investors. The foundation has worthy contributions in making valuable investments and identifying most promosing innovations for positive social and environmental change. American Samoa