ws logo Saturday, 27 July 2024

Wang Zhentao, Chairman and Founder, Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co. Ltd.


Champion's Profile

Net Worth: $885million Wang Zhentao chairs Zhejiang AoKang Shoes. AoKang Shoes invested $32 million, for a 9.9% stake in Wenzhou Minshang Bank which started operation on March 26. Besides shoes, Wang also has interests in property development and finance. He holds an EMBA from HEC Paris. Wang was forced to drop out of high school at the age of 17 as his family was not able to support his studies financially. Then, he was involved in furniture business at his early career until he started a small shoe retail business, where he gained valuable experience and lesson to build it to multinational giants. Beside poverty alleviation, he had helped in educational cause, funding more than 1,000 university students to finish their studies.


Poverty alleviation

Description and impact

Wang Zhentao Charity Foundation is founded by Wang Zhentao in 2007. The foundation aims at helping the poor and contributing to charity in China. It funds poor student to finish their study and find a job smoothly. Moreover, those who were helped shoiuld come back and support another poor student after work, which makes the foundation a "seed foundation". The number of students who benefit from the foundation is believed to increase rapidly.