ws logo Monday, 13 January 2025

Yusaku Maezawa, President/FounderSTART TODAY CO., LTD.


Champion's Profile

Yusaku Maezawa (?? ??) is a Japanese billionaire, entrepreneur, and art collector. He founded Start Today in 1998 and launched the online fashion retail website Zozotown in 2004, now Japan's largest.


Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Description and impact

Maezawa is the founder of the Tokyo-based Contemporary Art Foundation, which he started in 2012 with a goal of "supporting young artists as a pillar of the next generation of contemporary art." The Contemporary Art Foundation aims to contribute to the promotion of contemporary art by helping young artists and young musicians improve their skills. It also carries out activities such as holding contemporary art exhibitions, etc., to popularize and improve knowledge and education of contemporary art; Popularization of contemporary art by holding contemporary art exhibitions, etc; Management of contemporary art award program; Providing grants to young artists and young musicians; Activities necessary to achieve the purposes of this foundation.