ws logo Saturday, 27 July 2024

Phillip Ng, Chairman and CEO, Far East Organisation


Champion's Profile

Philip Ng is the CEO of Far East Organization, family-owned property development and investment group operating in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia. Far East Organization operates as a Christian enterprise which seeks to be a community of love and a workplace of grace doing business guided by the eternal truths of Jesus Christ. Mr Ng additionally serves as the Director of Hong Kong-based Sino Group, which is Far East Organization’s sister company, engaging in real estate activities in Hong Kong and China. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with First Class Honours from King’s College, London University, UK and two Master degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in Geothermal Engineering Policy and one in Urban City Planning. He is a member of the MOH (Ministry of Health) Holdings Healthcare Infrastructure and Planning Committee.


Miscelleneous philanthropic causes

Description and impact

The Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation was set up in 2010 in memory of Ng's late father, who founded the Sino Group.The Foundation which actively supports various philanthropic causes. Recently in 2018, the Foudnation pleged RMB 10 million to support the restoration of the Great Wall of China. Supporting philanthropy in education, the Foundation made a donation of RMB 200 million to sipport Peking University in recruiting world-class teaching talents and encourage educational and cultural exchanges between the Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Back in Sept 2011, the organisation pledged a sum of $1125 million over five years to JurongHealth Fund for the purpose of promoting development of health related services to benefit of Singapore community.