ws logo Saturday, 27 July 2024

Tom Hunter, Co-founder West Coast Capital

United Kingdom

Champion's Profile

Net Worth : $1.05 billion Thomas Blane Hunter is a Scottish businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. With his wife, Marion he established The Hunter Foundation in 1998 after selling his first business, Sports Division for a cool £290m. After discussions with Vartan Gregorian, head of the Carnegie Foundation of New York, Tom set a cause and a method which has resulted in the foundation donating millions to supporting educational and entrepreneurial projects in Scotland.



Description and impact

Focusing on areas of entrepreneurship, education, opportunity for all and poverty reduction, the Hunter Foundation works on the model of finding innovative partners, disruptors and fund them againt a pre-agreed Key-Performance Indicators (KPIs). With this, the Foundation is a proactive venture philanthropy that seeks to invest in determining model solutions, in partnership with others, to troubling systemic issues relating to poverty eradication and educational enablement. To date THF has invested in excess of £55m for the common good and over time we hope to invest a good deal more.